The fight part 2

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"Goddammit" thought Eren. He struggled to get up after the powerful punch he received from Reiner. Reiner made his way towards Eren slowly, looking at him filled with anger.

"Damn it, he can't beat Reiner." said Annie from atop.

"SHIT! THE BEAST TITAN ESCAPED!" yelled a random soldier. 

Zeker was running away from the soldiers that were chasing. His arms were chained up so he couldn't transform. However he jumped off the wall and bit his tongue, triggering his transformation. He landed onto the ground near Reiner and Eren.

Levi and a few other soldiers immediately sprang into action trying to distract him and cut him up. But out of no where another lightning struck down on top of the wall on the wall.

"Pieck?" said Annie shocked by the fact that Pieck was here.

"Who the hell is that? That's the ugliest titan I ever seen!" exclaimed Jean.

"That's another shifter name Pieck, shit Eren really need help now." replied Annie.

"Scouts distract the other shifters and keep them busy but do not engage them, we do not their powers just yet!" yelled Erwin to the scouts.

"Sir yes sir!" yelled the scouts while jumping off the wall to do their duty.

"Recruits from the 104, I want you to stay here." said Erwin.

"What, but we need to help him!" yelled Mikasa.

"We can take of them don't worry." replied Erwin while jumping off

The recruits from the 104th had no choice but to obey their commands.

"There has to be something that we can do in order to help Eren." said Krista.

"If only we had another shifter on our side." said Marco

"We have Ymir but she's not doing anything!" yelled Connie.

"Shut up Connie, I was going to go in either way." replied Ymir

Ymir jumped off as she transformed and joined the fight.

"Even with Ymir she can't do much because she's small and weak unlike the others."

"Like I said if only we have another shifter that's able to fight." said Marco.

"Wait, we have another shifter." said Annie.

"Who?" asked Sasha.

Annie looked at him.

"You got to be kidding me." said Armin. 

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