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Hello there readers! Starting from this chapter, it will be written by me. I hope you guys will enjoy it and comment on some ideas!

Armin was looking around Shiganshina as the others began clearing out the titans in the area. Armin wasn't just looking around though, he was looking for his home. When the soldiers gave an all clear signal, Armin started to walk instead.

"Hey Armin wait up!" cried a voice from behind him. Armin turned to see the love of his life running towards him. Armin smiles as he sees Krista running towards him. They walk together on the road Armin used to walk on when he was a kid with Eren and Mikasa. Armin smiled as he remembered the great times he had.

"Um......Armin?" Krista asked breaking the silence. 


"Before we were about to die, you were saying something. What was it?" asked Krista.

"Uuuhhhh..." Armin was stuttering as he tried hard not to blush but it still came out. 

Krista stopped in her tracks and turned to face Armin but Armin just looked down trying to avoid eye contact with Krista as much as possible.

"I know how you feel Armin. How you feel about me. How you like me." said Krista.

Armin immediately became red as a tomato. "Yeah I-I-do. I always liked you since the first day of our training."

Krista was about to say something but then there was a loud bang. Armin looked up just in time to see a lighting bolt hit down near the entrance of second hole. It must be Annie plugging the second hole.  But came a loud roar unlike Annie's. Is that Eren? No it can't be, he doesn't know how to crystallize his entire body yet. Suddenly black flares started appearing near the entrance of the hole. What's going on? Is it... it can't be..."

"Armin let's go!" yelled Krista. Armin and Krista both use their ODM gear to get to the top of the wall. Other scouts were already there looking down. "What's going on guys?" asked Armin. Eren looked at him with anger and fury in his eyes.

"It's Reiner, he escaped and now he's here."

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