Marathon for your life!

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After Armin launched the last flare that he had he completely skipped through Mikasa,Jean and the others with his with the shifters Petra noticed the smoke signals and warned the others.
"We need to go back and help!"yelled Eren.
"No!We can't use ODM and we can't risk losing a single one of you!"said Levi.
"Commander we can't just go forward and do nothing!"yelled Annie.
"*sigh*Jaeger,,Ymir with me,we can't risk losing Hoover over some Titans,we need to do anything to keep the colossal Titan..."said Erwin.Annie and Eren didn't lose any time and turned around.
Again with the back side of the formation things weren't looking so Titans were flat out vicious and way they were just ravaging through each other,the Survey Core members could only imagine what would happen if those Titans got their hands on were getting closer and closer until Annie and Eren showed up.
"Eren leave this to me!If things get rough shift!"yelled Annie.
"Okay!But be careful!"
Annie used her ring to shift and the smoke that she created her giant fist slammed through a Titans face,then she hardened her leg and kicked another titan launching it on another Annie getting rid of this Titans was child's play after completely destroying this small army of Titans she catchy'd up we the others and she exited her Titan form.
"That was no usual Titan horde,even if their is 5 shifters here theirs no way it would have assembled so many Titans!"said Annie.
"What are you saying?"asked Levi.
"That we might be already dealing with the enemy..."said silently Annie.
"I knew this was a possibility..."said Erwin.
"If this is true then what're next action?"asked Ymir.
"*sigh*Pushing we reach wall Maria we will manage to seal the gates and be ready for battle.

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