Battle of the giants

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"This can't be happening!?Annie and Reiner,Titans?!"said Jean in confusion.

"It's the truth and Annie is are allay,without her i would have been dead by now!"explained Marco.
As the cadets argued the battle continued,the two enemy's continued delivering blows to each other,but it was clear that the Armored Titan had the upper Female Titan tried to hit the Armored one with a strong kick in the side of face but the Armored Titan grabbed the leg sending the Female Titan of balance.
"If what your saying is true,we must help Annie now!"said Armin.
"How are we going to help her i mean Eren is out cold!!"yelled Jean to the others.
"FUCK IT IM GOING IN!!!"yelled a cadet using his ODM to move towards the battle.
As the Armored Titan was about to deliver the final blow to the Female Titan a cadet jumped of a nearby roof and bit into the flesh of his cadet got hit by a lightning bolt and a huge explosion went off there was mist everywhere but one sound was over all the others.
The mist began to clear and the sight that everybody caught was incredible.
A 7 meter tall Titan with teeth big as human and nails that could cut through diamond.Before anyone could react that Titan started charging at the Armored Titan,it launched all around it biting parts of its armor off and even taking his arm as Female Titan attacked with a perfect hit to the head and Armored's Titan body had fallen to the ground and then this new Jaws Titan turned around towards the Females Titan direction,instead of attacking it pointed out at its nape,then the Jaws Titan leant to the ground and a person came out of its nape.Every cadet was shocked to see that that person was female Titan did the same. thing but the person in its nape(Annie) had fainted out of tiredness.
----------------NEXT DAY-----------------
Annie wakes up the next in an underground jail cell(no bed,no nothing),except from two people to her left,tide to the wall with chains like her.
It was Ymir and Eren.
"Look who's finally up"said Levi from the other side of the bars.
The rest of the conversation between Levi/Erwin and the *prisoners*went like the anime.

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