Last night

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(Sorry that i am doing this big of a time skip,but i couldn't think of anything else to put in at HQ...)
Today was the last day,the last day before expedition and the group was just at the top of HQ,it was around 19:30,sunset.
(And complete this quote...
Gone,Gone the form of man arrives....
Finish the quote and get a shout out,ow and the last smart guy was i am So SORRY FOR NOT SHOUT OUTING YOU IN THE LAST PART!!!So Super duper combo Shout out to you my friend!!!)
"Tomorrow..."said Connie.
Jean just did a sigh and Marco lost his smile.
"I guess we are really doing this,going outside..."said Sasha.
"I don't know how to feel,we are going to reclaim wall Maria right?Right!?"said Krista.
"It's all a matter of patience,the 'Outside' might be dangerous,but with how prepared we are we can at list make it to Wall Maria with half of the soldiers"exclaimed Mikasa.
"Don't be so negative"said Ymir.
"Coming from you it's almost like a joke"said Marco.
"I guess we can be as positive as possible,but we can't overcome the fear..."said Connie.
"You can,with Will and Courage"said Marco.
"Yeah right...I just hope that we can just be in a total different place a few years from now,with a beer each,laughing remembering this moment"said Armin.
"I couldn't agree more"said Jean.
"I'm actually excited to see what's out there"said Eren.
"That's why you're my suicidal bastard"said Annie wrapping her arms around Eren.
"Don't get to lovey dofey around us guys."said Armin.
"Come on,i think they're cute"said Krista and Eren and Annie just blushed a bit.
Petra came up to them.
"Everybody go to your rooms,tomorrow is the big day and we need each and every one of you in his/her full potential"
"Yes!..."said Everyone leaving for there rooms.
Eren and Annie in their room.
"What do you think about tomorrow?"asked Eren.
"I think that we should stay fully focused on are mission,the Commander said that we shouldn't make are relationship a problem to the expedition"answered Eren.
"As long as you make me a promise..."
"And that would be...?"
"Stay safe,don't be stubborn and please don't go berserk-crazy when you see a titan"
"Relax,relax at least we can say 2/3..."
"What do you mean?"
"Stubbornness is a part of me"said Eren grinning.
"You're the worst thing that ever happened to me..."said Annie grabbing Eren from the back of his head and kissing him passionately.He kissed back,but he was no match for the terror of the female Titan.They slept in each others hug knowing that this might be their last time sleeping together.

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