Jin chuckled softly, "Looks like someone is hungry. Sit up, baby. Hyungie will go prepare some food for you to eat yea? It's late now and we can't have our bunny starving, can we?"

However, Little Jungkook refused to budge. He whined and clutched onto Jin's shirt tightly. Jin sighed and looked at his other dongsaengs helplessly. The Little had finally calmed down and they cannot afford to trigger him again, so Jin could only shot a look of silent plea to Hoseok and Jimin. They are the next available barely qualified chef in the household now. Don't even bother about Namjoon and Taehyung.

Hoseok and Jimin silently excused themselves and got themselves busied in the kitchen. Meanwhile, Namjoon and Taehyung just sat down on the floor next to the couch, observing the Little quietly.

Just when they thought the storm has passed, another wave of tantrum erupted.

"Kookie~ We made your favourite pasta and even added lots of meatballs for you!" Jimin chirped enthusiastically.

"Yeah! Come on, bunny. Let's eat now." Hoseok motioned to Jin to bring the Little over to the dining table.

"No! Kookie no eat! Kookie want Yoonie hyungie!" Little Jungkook started to struggle aggressively.

Namjoon's patience for the Little was running low but he tried to compose himself. "Jungkook-ah. You have to eat. You only had your breakfast for today. Now, be good and listen to us."

It is a wonder how Namjoon, a fatherly figure in Jungkook's headspace, could always trigger him.

"Kookie is no Jungkook. Kookie is Kookie. Kookie no want eat. Kookie want Yoonie hyungie!"

"Aye, hyung. You should probably stop talking and let us do the job." With that, Jimin shoved the leader to the back and shifted his attention to the Little. "Kookie-ah. If you don't eat, your stomach will have ouchie. Do you want to have ouchie? No, right? Even if you are not hungry, you still have to eat a little yea?"

"Yeah, and who knows. Once you finished eating, your Yoonie hyungie will be back!" Taehyung added mindlessly and that earned himself a glare from his eldest hyung.

Why the hell did you mention Yoongi at this point of time?

Jin tried his hardest not to flick the younger's forehead physically.

Luckily enough, Little Jungkook did not seem to process what Taehyung had said.

"No! Kookie no want eat! Kookie want Yoonie hyungie!"

Unbeknownst to all his hyungies, the Little had actually bit his tongue when he hit his chin onto the floor earlier on. How was he supposed to eat when he was in so much pain?

Just then, Little Jungkook's flailing fists accidentally hit Jin's chin and knocked onto Hoseok's outstretched hand with the plate of pasta, consequentially toppled the content onto himself and the floor.

There was a momentary silence until Little Jungkook wailed loudly again. The pasta was scotching hot and majority of it spilled onto his arm. Never has Little Jungkook suffered so much pain within a single day and this was setting him off in a negative way.

"Yoonie hyungie! Save Kookie! Hyungies hurt Kookie again!"

The Little was hysterical now. Screaming and crying and thrashing around aimlessly.

The hyungs were so goddamn helpless. The food stain was slowly drying up and it would be a pain to try to scrub off the Little's skin, which the hyungs knew that it would be another ride to Hell.

Jin tried to pacify the Little and at the same time, convince him to go for a bath. "Kookie-ah. Hyungies are not going to hurt you. We are just going to bathe you now okay. The pasta is making our bunny dirty now and we want to make sure you are clean yea?"

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