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Bella's POV:
A young man stepped out of the car. My eyes moved from his shiny boots to his black tailored trousers stopped at his Hermes belt before moving up and taking in his white shirt whose sleeves were folded up till his elbows.

He screamed filthy rich.

I quickly made a mental note in my  mind of "Oh it's alright," and stared at the man who was just step by step coming closer .

He was tall like really tall. I had to arch my neck back to look at his face. He was handsome. Like really handsome before I can take in features ,
he took out a $100 note and threw it at me, no not give but threw that too ON MY FACE!
Leaving me with my jaw dropped.

"Here, I think it will be more than enough for your loss..."The rich jerk said in calm yet annoyed voice and scrunch up his nose as he looked at me in rather disgust?

He drenched me with the dirty water and now daring to look at me with disgust?! Not only that he threw money on me like I am some beggar!

Anger rushed into me and I really wanted to throw all my anger on this guy whose looks are such a fraud!

Give him good shut up call you idiot!' my mind further scolded me.

"Excuse me mister! if you can see and surely are not blind, so you may have noticed that I am walking on the right path. YOU are driving like an insane who thinks he owns the roads, now don't be rich spoiled brat and apologies" I said strictly having enough of the bullshit.

" NOW!" I added in a stern voice.

But instantly regretted it, when I saw the look on face, it was pure monstrous rage. Giving me murderous glare, he stepped forward as I stepped back in fear that he might be a psycho and hit me.

"Brat? Rich spoilt brat?! Do you even have any idea who are you talking to little girl?!" He said in calm voice despite his rage full face.

Who does he think he is? President of the country?

"I have no interest in knowing who you are. Here take this money of yours and apologise!" I said moving my hand that had his money his way.

He gave my hand a look before he turned and walked back to his freaking oh so precious car.

I felt so humiliated and hurt as I looked around and saw people staring at me and bickering in each other's ears.

Oh come on my back is not your voicemail, dare say it on my face!

I felt so bad! He didn't even apologised for his mistake and made me feel like a beggar by throwing money at me!

In a fit of fury I picked a nearby stone from the ground and aimed at his expensive car and then hit his car with full force.

I know I am going to regret it so badly......
Oh but he deserved it ...
Mr. Arrogant!

But what now!! I am so dead. So so much DEAD!!

The stone collided with his car's back window so hard causing a loud ear shattering voice and ugly cracks on his pretty car.

Okay I think it's time to run, Bella!

The door opened again and he in so much anger walked back to me with the horrifying expression on his face as a predator walks towards its prey.

His eyes were completely red and a vein popped out at the side of his forehead. He looked murderous and nowhere near the handsome man from before.

Run you idiot Run.....!

Without thinking twice, I ran to the other side of the road and like a mad woman signal my hands to hail a cab.

Thank God that at least a little ounce of luck was on my side today and I immediately got into the cab yelping, causing the driver to speed up.

I mentally danced like a retard while grinning as I looked outside the window.
From the window, I saw that man looking at me with the same menacing expression but with pure fury in his gorgeous eyes.

As the cab took me out of his sight , I sighed in relief.

Though I was happy that I taught him a lesson
I really do hope I never see him again or he will surely kill me!

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