Untitled Part 30

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"But Grandma!"  Heath said into the phone, "I don't know what time I'll be there. Something came up and I'm running a little behind."

"Oh? Can you tell me what something is, Heath, Dear?" Kathleen Johnston asked into the phone.

"You know I can't. It's about work." He hoped she'd drop the subject when he said that. She usually did.

"You know I think you work too much, Dear." The agitation in Kathleen's voice was obvious.

"You and everyone else, Gramma." Heath softened the tone of his voice after he realized his irritation was showing through. She really did have it in for him and his love life. Or lack thereof. "I love you, Gramma," Heath said and ended the call. He was working and had to remind not only his grandmother, but after the discussion he had with Kristin before they checked out, he hoped it was clear to them both what was really happening.

After they talked about strategy and the route they'd take to Utah, He asked her why she grabbed his hand and called him her boyfriend. He remembered the way she drew her lips between her teeth and took a long cleansing breath before she answered.

"It just seemed like the best thing to do at the time," Kristin replied. "I was scared and knew my mouth wouldn't save me by myself. You were there..." She tapered off.

"It's okay," Heath paused, "Sugar". He smiled, remembering the term of endearment he used. This time he noticed her blush around her neck, which made them both smile.

They'd only been on the road for about an hour and pulled into a McDonald's in Hutchinson. They weren't really hungry, but decided that since they were going to try to stop as little as possible, they'd keep a regular schedule of eating and such. It was strange to Kristin that Heath would drive around Wichita for a while before they left town. Nothing unusual for him though, she decided as she tucked into her burger. It didn't take them long to find a park to eat their meal at. It never took too long to eat fast food in a park in her experience. Even when she took her time, and another bonus was fewer food wrappers to get rid of when they reached their destination. They were out of iced tea so she got a large root beer with her meal. Heath had an identical meal to her, except he drank a chocolate milk.  For that, she kept her comments to herself.

They talked about little things while they drove. Menial things like what their favorite colors were, if they were bullied or well-liked in school, what kind of activities they liked to do. Her favorite question was about movies. "Mine is an old black and white movie. Well, partially black and white." She said.

"What is it?" Heath smiled her way from behind the steering wheel. "

"It's one of my grannie's favorites too. We used to watch it together all the time when I was little." She smiled back at him, more out of reminiscing the movie with her grandmother than smiling at Heath.


"well, what?"

"Yeah, what's it called, huh?" Heath raised his eyebrows as he drove.

"The Wizard of Oz" she confidently replied.

"I love that movie too, but probably for different reasons. I think I was ten when I was watching it and I decided that if I were in the forest, I'd help Dorothy get home. I think that was when I decided to become a police officer."

Kristin smiled at her hands in her lap. "That sounds so noble."

They rode in silence for several minutes before she spoke again. "What's your favorite movie?"

"Oh, yeah." Heath said, and without hesitating, he blurted, "Muppet Treasure Island!"

Kristin giggled. She full out laughed at his choice of movie. "Really?"

"Really." He replied. "It's the best." Then he went to quote his most favorite lines and was surprised when Kristin fell into script with him. After several lines from the movie he said, "I'm so glad I don't have to explain myself and my choice of films to you."

"Come on. The Muppets are the best!" They fell into easy conversation after that.

Almost to Dodge City, Kristin asked, "How much longer do we drive? I really gotta go."

They didn't drive for much longer when they stopped in Dodge City at a truck stop. Heath topped off the gas while Kristin went inside to use the facility. When he finished up, he moved the car so he could go inside too. She waited in the car and locked herself in.

When they were finally back on the road, Heath said, "Dodge City is big enough we could stay, but I'd like to get more distance today. Garden City is about the same size. We could stay there tonight or if you want--"

"Keep driving. Let's get into Colorado before too long."

"I agree."


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