"I'd figure you'd be here." I say as I stand next to him. "Don't worry, I called Liz to watch Sydney, Jacob and little Anne." I tell him because I know that he was going to ask about the kids.

"I just miss them Ari." He says as he sniffles a little. "I know Haz. I miss them too." I say as I move my hand up and stroke his hair softly. Pregnancy hormones so I get why he's getting emotional.

"It should've been me who died in that car crash," Harry says as he bites his lip, trying to hold back his tears. "They didn't deserve it. It should've been me." He says as he falls down to his knees and cries into his hands.

"Harry," I say as I knelt down next to him. "If that happened then Sydney and Jacob wouldn't have been born." I grab hold of his hand and stroked his cheek softly with my other hand as I wiped away a stray tear that fell down his cheek. I didn't know that he would be this sensitive. Harry has barely even cried, even before he found out that he's pregnant again. "Sydney and Jacob need their mummy in their lives and little Anne needs her uncle Harry in her life." If anything happened to him, I don't know what I would do. He and I, well, we have had such a strong brother-and-sister bond while I was growing up and it would honestly just break my heart if anything did happen to Harry. He's both my brother and best friend.

"You're the most strongest man that I have ever met and known in my life." I smile softly at him. "Ari, I can't do this." Harry whines as he tears up again.

"Harold, Gem and I are going to help you through this. We're going to help you through this pregnancy and with raising Sydney and Jacob, and with the new baby when he or she is born." I say as I leaned over and kissed his cheek softly in a sisterly way then stood up. "Come on, let's go home before you catch a cold mister." I say as I grab hold of his arms and help him up as I walked towards the car. I opened my side of the car and got in as Harry got in as well without saying anything and looked out the window after buckling up.

I wonder what's up with him. I think to myself as I buckled up my seatbelt, turned on the ignition and drove back to Harry's house where our kids are with Liz.

Once we arrived, Harry got out of the car, closed the door and walked towards the front door, unlocked it and walked inside before slamming the door. A soft sigh left my lips as I got out of the car before locking the door and walked towards the front door. Luckily, I have a spare key so I used it to unlock the door and I walked inside before closing the door and locking it behind me.

"Ari, what's up with Harry? Is he okay?" Liz asked. Guess he went upstairs. "He's depressed and I don't know what to do to help him." I say as I bite my lip to hold back my tears. I really don't want to have a breakdown in front mine and Mikey's daughter and my niece and nephew.

I turned on the tv and put on some SpongeBob for the kids to watch. "Liz, I need to talk to you in the kitchen." I say as I walked in the direction of the kitchen with Liz walking behind me.

"Ari, what's going on?" Liz asked me. "Harry went to the cemetery today." I say to her. "Oh." She says.

"Liz, he said that it should've been him that died in that car crash years ago and not our parents." I said as I could myself tearing up. "I just can't lose him as my brother and as well as my best friend. And if anything happens to him, I don't know what I would do." I slump down on the chair and break down crying into my hands.

"Ari." I looked up to see Harry standing in the doorway. I rubbed my eyes, sniffling a little bit. "You okay?" He asked with a tone of concern in his voice.

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