Chapter 19

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The guys finished up their recording in the studio and we decided to go out to get food from Chili's. We ordered an Uber and Jonah sat in the front with the driver, Daniel, Corbyn, and I sat in the back. The ride had been mostly quiet the whole time so far.
Corbyn🥺💕 so tomorrow are u free :)
y/n idk it depends, what am i free for?
Corbyn🥺💕 not much just a date with me maybe around 5 and possibly you spending the night:))
y/n idk should i ?
Corbyn🥺💕 please baby 🥺
I smiled and blushed reading his message and looked at him to see him smiling at me because of my reaction

y/n ur too cute but yes i'll be free 🥰
Corbyn🥺💕 yay i can't waittt
"Here is fine to drop us off thank you" Jonah says to the driver and he pulled over so we could get out the car. We went inside and ordered our food, I sat with Corbyn and Jonah sat with Daniel.
"So when are you guys releasing the new song" I ask
"Maybe the 23rd we aren't sure yet. Oh that reminds me we're filming the music video in two days so if you want you can come with us we're gonna be filming at a beach" Jonah suggests
"Ooh that's cool I'll probably tag along I have literally no life at this point"
"I'm excited to get back on tour" Daniel

randomly says.
"Wait when do you guys leave again" I ask completely forgetting that they have to leave again.
"We're here for 3 more days and then have to leave in the morning in 4 days" Daniel responds
"What!? That's so soon tho"
"Yeah but I mean we have to" Corbyn said
"Well you guys better spend as much time with me in these 3 days cuz I miss you guys too much on tour"
"Of course" Jonah Corbyn and Daniel said at the same time
"That was weird" I say
"Yeah that was weird" Jonah repeats and

everyone laughed.
We got our food eventually and Corbyn and Daniel went home after.
Time skip to tomorrow morning after classes were over
It was 1:37 pm so I decided to walk home to not spend money on an Uber. Once I got home Corbyn and I facetimed for a while
"Hey so what should I wear you never exactly told me what we would be doing today" I ask
"Uh just wear something you'd wear on a normal day and bring extra clothes you'll be comfortable in" He said with a cute smile not leaving his face.
"Okay well I'm gonna take a shower and start getting ready" I say and get up to grab my

"Aw ok, see you later babyyyyy" He said smiling, knowing him calling me that makes me blush. "Awwww you blushing is the cutest thing ever" He says in awe
"No you are" I smile still blushing
"Nope that's all you princess" He says still smiling. "Ok anyways see you soon"
"See you soon" I smiled before we hung up on the facetime. I got in the shower and did my hair and makeup when I got out. I put on a cute outfit and did my makeup

by now it was already almost 5 so Corbyn was probably on his way

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

by now it was already almost 5 so Corbyn was probably on his way. I just grabbed my mini backpack to bring my toothbrush, hair brush, makeup wipes, some makeup, and leggings to change into at night.
Corbyn🥺💕 hey bby i'm outside x
I didn't reply to his message and just went downstairs and outside and got in his car.
"You look so beautiful" He says as I got in the car "I- I mean you look beautiful everyday just today you look beautifuler" He says nervously but still smiling
"You look beautiful too" I chuckled and he did too "But also your fit today is on point" I say, causing him to smile even more. He refused to

tell me where we were going because it was a surprise but we talked the whole time in the car ride.
After a while he parked somewhere and we walked to a shopping center by the ocean. It was a cute view and there were a lot of cute small shops around. We walked around for a few hours and he bought me a bunch of new stuff. I felt bad he paid for all of it but he wouldn't let me pay but it was sweet he wanted to.
"Ooh follow me I know this really cute area around here" He said and grabbed my hand so we walked hand in hand together
We went under a pier area where there were no high waves to splash us and we watched the

sun set.
"The sun could never shine brighter than your beauty" He said while he continued to watch the sunset and put his arm around my waist, holding me closer. I looked up at him smiling before saying,
"You're the best Corbyn. I couldn't be any happier than I am right now"
"Y/n" He said and looked down at me
"Yeah?" I ask confused
"Will you be my official girlfriend? I love you and I wouldn't see myself with anyone else in the world who wasn't you"
"Of course I will! I couldn't see myself with anyone else either, I love you" I said with my smile growing and he leaned in for a kiss which I returned. This moment was perfect I couldnt ask for anything better

Mini MaraisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ