chapter 9

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"Sooo he seems nice" Christina says attempting to start a conversation.
"Yeah but at least y/n finally got herself someone to be happy with" Zach says smiling and nudging my arm.
"Yeah it's great" Corbyn says "I'm glad you found someone to make you happy" He continued and smiled.
"Yeah, thanks"
"But like, are you sure you even like the kid?" Daniel asks
"Why would I date someone but not like them"
"I mean he has a point, dating someone after not even a whole day of knowing them seems weird like how do you catch feelings for someone that fast" Zach asks

"Why are you asking me? Corbyn and Christina did the same thing and you're not interrogating them about it" I ask getting kinda annoyed
"We're just looking out for you" Daniel responded
"Yeah" Zach adds.
"Didn't you have classes today?" Corbyn asks, thankfully changing the subject
"So why are you here" He asks
"I didn't feel like going today"
"I'm not sure Owen is being a great influence on you y/n" Christina hesitantly says
"It was my idea, not his"
"Alright" She responds. The room went quiet and we all just went on our phones.

*time skip to next Saturday*
We walked around the mall for a few hours hand in hand.
"Woah look at these dope shoes!" He said sounding excited as we passed a shoe store
"You have a problem with the number of shoes you own" I laugh
"Yeah it's alright tho because I've accepted my problem and decided I'll just buy more shoes" He says laughing before looking down at me smiling and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"You have the best smile" I say looking up at him and he smiles more and looked down.
"No you do" He says and looks back at me with a slight shade of blush on his cheeks. Awww.
"I love you y/n"
"I love you too Corbyn" We both leaned in.

beep beep beep beep *alarm noises lol*
I opened my eyes and checked the time 9:27am. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed, trying to forget about the dream I just had.
I put my elbows on my legs and put my head down
"I just wanna be over him already" I mumbled.
I checked my phone
Owen💚 hey i'll be over around 12
Y/n ok. i can't wait to see u !
Owen💚 me too, i miss you bby
Y/n i missed u too 🥺
Owen💚 well i'll see you later, love you ❤️
Y/n see u later love you! ❤️

I put my phone on my bed and grabbed my towel to go take a shower. I finished showering and changed into a green tube top and black high waisted shorts. I only put on mascara cuz I didn't feel like putting a lot of makeup on since it was hot and straightened my hair. By now it was 11:30 so I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to see if Zach was here and he was.
"Hey Zach" I said to him and grabbed a water bottle.
"Hey, where are you going" He asks and continues eating his bowl of cereal, he probably just woke up.
"Me and Owen are gonna go on a picnic date"

I respond and sat in the chair next to him.
"You're showing too much young lady, your shoulders are exposed you might distract other guys" He says and chuckles
"Oh no" I laugh
"Nah but like thats actually really cute" He says and eats more cereal.
"I know" I smile proudly
"Dang ok make me feel more single" He says and laughs
"I was just kidding" He says
"I know idiot" I chuckle
Owen💚 hey baby i'm here

Y/n alright i'm going out
"Owen is here I'll see you later Zach" I say and hug him and he kissed the top of my head
"Be safe and don't do anything you don't want to do" He says and hugs me tighter
"I know, and tell Jonah I said bye and i love him" I say and start walking to the door
"I will, have fun!" He says before I walk out the door
"I will" I respond and go out to get in his car.
"Hey" He smiles as I got in
"Hey" I lean over and kiss him, then put my seatbelt on. We drove to a park nearby and sat on a blanket he brought to lay out on the grass.

We were there for probably an hour just talking about the most random things
"You know I never thought I would've met such an amazing person so unexpectedly" Owen says while smiling and leaning on his side to look at me.
"Aww you're too sweet" I say and kiss him
"You're sweeter" He smiles and kisses me again a few more times.
"Y/n!" Someone shouts, slightly scaring me. I turned around to see if I could see anyone and saw Jack with Gabbie and Lavender.
"Hey guys" I say and sit up as they walked over to us.
"Oh hey" Gabbie says to Owen and smiled
"Hey" He responded at sat up too.

"We don't wanna intrude we just wanted to say hey" Jack says before going to Lav's stroller to give her her bottle.
"Oh don't worry it's fine" I respond not wanting them to feel bad
"How have you been O-" Jack starts but gets interrupted by someone shouting his name. He turned around and saw a small group of fans walking towards him.
"Hey!" He says and gives them all hugs.
"Oh my god y/n hi!! Can I get a picture with you?" One of them asks nervously
"Yeah of course" I get up to take a selfie with her.
"Thank you!" She says excited
"Is that your boyfriend?" One of them asks
"Emily! You can't just ask her that" Her other friend says
"No he's just my close friend"

Mini MaraisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora