chapter 4

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"So corbyn likes your outfit" Gabbie says our if nowhere while laying Lavender down.
"What?" I ask confused
"Did you not see him when you walked downstairs?" She asked
"I saw Christina with him so I didn't bother" I quietly said
"His freaking jaw dropped when he saw you it's like he saw an angel or something" She says excitedly
"Yeah he probably didn't think of it in that way plus I'm pretty sure him and Christina are gonna be a thing by the end of today" I said unenthusiastically.
"Aw c'mon don't say that! You know you have feelings for him and it's obvious he has feelings for you, why don't you guys just date already?"
She asks and the guys start to walk over with everything they were bringing
"He thinks of me as a little sister..he wouldn't date me" I slightly mumble while helping her buckle Lavender in then climbed into the very back seats.
"Who wouldn't date you!?" Daniel asks and gets in the seat next to me.
"Just an idiot who's too blind to see when he has a great person right in front of him" Gabbie says looking over at Corbyn so Daniel gets the idea
"OHHHH you're still on that?" He asks sounding slightly disappointed
"Yeah" I quietly answer
"Who? What? Why do you know more about her life than I do" Jonah asks pretending to be
slightly offended. Daniel and Gabbie are the only ones I've ever told about Corbyn.
"Because I'm her favorite" He said and cuddles into me. I didn't do anything and just smiled.
Corbyn Christina and Zach got in the seats in front of us, Jack and Gabbie day together and Tate was in the passenger seat with Jonah who was driving us. Daniel didn't move from his position of holding onto me and just went on his phone and so did I. The car ride there was pretty boring everyone was just talking so not much happened besides Christina constantly flirting with Corbyn. I kinda spaced out a little after hearing him call her cute and I guess Daniel noticed
"Hey.." He said to get my attention so I looked up at him "He's an idiot if he doesn't know how great you are, ok?" He says in a soft tone. I just nodded and he kissed my forehead, I smiled and leaned into his chest feeling it go up and down with his breathing it was kinda calming. I was kinda bored so I took a selfie of me leaning my head on his chest without him noticing and posted it on my story, I mean I'm already gonna get attacked for falling asleep cuddling him I honestly don't care anymore. After a few seconds it was already getting reposted everywhere
"Hey I wasn't paying attention no fair" Daniel whines when he viewed my story.
"What" Corbyn asks confused hearing Daniel
"Watch my story" I responded and saw him
click on my story, he viewed it and paused before saying anything "That's cute" is all he said. We finally got to the beach and grabbed the bags of crackers, marshmallows, chocolate and a bunch of other food out of the car and took it to the bonfire pit thing we were gonna be at. While we were setting everything up I noticed a small lifeguard tower next to us. It looked like a cute place to take pictures, I'll just wait until the sun sets tho. I took off my sweater and set it on my towel so it wouldn't get sand all over.
"I'm gonna be here for a bit with Lavender" Gabbie says and sets up a cute little shade area for them under an umbrella. I took my shorts off and put them with the rest of my stuff and left my phone on my towel too.
"RACE YOU GUYS TO THE WATER" I shout before running into the water. I turned around quickly to see Corbyn catching up fast so I tried running faster but he eventually passed me and chuckled knowing he was gonna win. He jumped in the water just as a wave came getting him completely soaked.
"Hahah I won" He bragged I ran directly to him and jumped knowing it would knock him over into the water. We both got up from underwater and moved our hair out of our faces. "Dang you didn't have to be so salty like the ocean about losing" He jokingly says
"Yeah but it's fun" I say smiling. The rest of he guys except Jack and all the girl except Gabbie came into the water too.
"You guys are so cute" Tate smiles and walks deeper into the water holding Jonah's hand.
"Aw thanks but we're not gonna date" I respond
"Yeah" Corbyn says
"K AnYwAyS let's go have some fun!!" Zach says and splashes us with water. We swam around for a 3 hours before we decided to go back to grab some food and make s'mores. I was burning a marshmallow over the fire when Daniel came over to sit next to me.
"I don't get why you guys love chocolate" He says out of nowhere. I put the marshmallow on the cracker with the chocolate and look at him before taking a bite.
"Mm yum" I say knowing he hates chocolate
"Gross" He responds disgusted "But anyways how are you feeling? Like with Corbyn and Christina being super friendly since they've met?" He asks sounding concerned
"It's hard knowing he's perfectly ok with someone else but I can't control him so the least I could do is be happy for him which I'm really trying to be" I say and bite into my s'mores. Daniel nodded and looked over to see them. They were cute together don't get me wrong they just, don't seem like the right people for each other.
"Corbyn brought drinks I'm gonna get one do you want any" Dani asks and gets up
"Yeah sure just get whichever is the strongest"
"Alright" He says and grabs two from the cooler. Gabbie came to sit next to me
"Hey" She says and drinks her lemonade
"Hey" I say and grab the drink from Daniel
"Hey who wants to go take picture on the lifeguard tower" I ask remembering to before the sun goes down and get up already walking over taking a sip of the drink
"Ooh sounds fun" Corbyn says and jogs over to me. We both go on the tower and wait for everyone else to come. We took a few cute group pictures. Not much happened after so I was just on my phone for a while on Instagram and stopped when I saw a post from a drama account that was spreading everywhere.

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