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It had all started on a faithful night in Volterra. Caroline Adams had been in endless mental pain, scarred deeply from within. She had never known why, but she somehow always felt despair to call to her. It wasn't until many visions and years, had she developed the reality that maybe, just maybe, this constant despair and loneliness happened to be a call from death, begging her to die.

          Her vampire life had begun when she was around 20, when she had her first suicide attempt, wanting to answer deaths call. She hadn't known where her body had taken her, but she grabbed the bottle of pills, and ran into the street. Swallowing, she collapsed in an ally. As she laid there, a vampire, had approached her, smelling her delicious scent. This vampire was non other then Carlisle Cullen.

            Carlisle had picked up on her scent, and had seen her about to die. He immediately rushed over, and turned her. As pain flooded her senses, she opened her eyes, hoping to be met with the afterlife, only to find a handsome young man staring at her. Even though Carlisle had invited her to join the coven, she politely refused, after learning all about the vampire life and the volturi.

             After that, Carlisle had left her, never coming back, and for that she was grateful. After being taught of the Volturi from him, she had decided death still awaited her, but this was simply a step back. She would go to the Volturi, ask to die as a newborn, and then let death consume her.

      Making her way to the castle of the Volturi, she was greeted by a lower guard member. She informed him about her wish to die, and was taken to the throne room, being watched has she entered the two doors.

        As she entered, she had seen three men on three thrones. The first man that had caught her eye was a man in the middle throne, he was smiling with his hands clasped together tightly,  his eyes closed shut happily and his long black hair flowing. Once she had seen him, a strange aura had made its way to her. A aura of love, passion, peace, comfort. She rejoiced in the feeling.

          The next man that had caught her eye was sitting on the far left throne. His brown hair and distraught expression she had noticed suddenly disappeared into a look of confused glee. A smile had formed on his lips. The same aura had brushed over her.

           The final man she had seen was sitting on the far right throne, he held a permanent scowl as he looked at her, with his short blonde hair breezing slightly as his legs were crossed straight. Despite his not welcoming stare, the same aura made its way into her heart.

             "Why are you here?" The blonde haired man suddenly snapped. His demanding voice had suddenly broken the calm aura. Caroline frowned.

             "My name is Caroline, and I have come to ask for death." She said with confidence. The blonde haired man demanding expression suddenly softened, at both her question and her beautiful sweet voice. Immediately the black haired kings eyes suddenly opened as well, and the brown haired king suddenly snapped.

              "NO!" The brown haired man suddenly yelled. This caused both Caroline and The blonde and black haired men to look at him. The black haired king raised an eyebrow, as he took the brown haired mans hand.

                The black haired king suddenly wore a pained expression. He beckoned the Blonde haired man as he whispered something into his ear. The blonde haired mans eyes suddenly widened, before he rushed at Caroline full speed. Caroline was confused, was this how vampires died?

                 "Mia cara, I'm so sorry. Pease forgive me for my recent outburst. My name is Caius. These are my brothers, Aro and Marcus." His voice was smooth and pleasant as he hugged Caroline.

                 Caroline hadn't known what had came over her. Would she still die? She hoped so. But she felt it in her heart to apologize to the man. "'s ok..." She whispered. She hadn't known Italian, so the words "Mia cara" were quite unfamiliar to her.

                  Caius let go of Caroline. As Aro came foward, keeping his distance as he hadn't want to intrude on her personal space. Aro had still worn a sad expression, and his hands clasped once again. "Hello, mio amore." Aro spoke softly. Immediately, Caroline felt a strong connection to him in particular.

                     It was silent for quite a few moments, as The kings observed there newborn mate, when suddenly she had spoken up. "When will I die?" She asked.

                Aro's heart had broken at these words. "You won't, mio amore. You are to special. You are a newborn, but do you possibly know about vampire customs?" Aro asked as he swallowed thickly, not believing his mate had such thoughts. He couldn't wait to read them.

               "Yes, The person who turned me had taught me. I believe his name was Carlisle." She spoke.

                 This made Aro feel more comfortable. "Ahh, yes, he is an old friend of mine." His eyes lit up for a moment, only to fade back. "Well, do you know the concept of mates?" He questioned.

                   "Yes, My king." She answered. Aro had to control the urge to pin her down and claim her as his when he had called him her king. Swallowing again, he continued.

                    "Well as a rare occurrence, You are mated to all three of us." Aro spoke. This piece of information hadn't affected her as much as she thought it was intended to. She simply nodded her head in response.

                     "Another question, are you familiar with each vampires gifts?" He asked. Caroline nodded again.

              "You are Aro of the volturi." She spoke, taking Aro by surprise. "You're gift is tactile telepathy. King Marcus's gift is to see the bonds of people, and even though Caius doesn't have a gift, he is a natural born strategist and warrior. A very important factor to a coven." She smiled.

             "Very good, mio amore," So not only was his mate gorgeous, but also in-fact quite smart. "Is it alright, if I read your thoughts?" Aro asked. Caroline nodded. Aro went to give his hand to her, but she ignored it. Instead she brushed his jaw with her finger-tips.

               Aro saw all her thoughts of pain and wonder. Her first attempt at death, her turning, all the time she wished to hurt herself. Aro was in impeccable pain. Watching his mate from birth to turning. He suddenly stopped short with her thoughts when he dropped on his knees. The image of his mate dying replaying back and forth in his mind.

               "mia cara," he begged. "Why do you feel this way?" He pleaded for an answer.

                "I have been trying to figure that out my whole life..." She whispers, dropping to her knees as well, only to be immediately held in Aro's arms. They had sat like that for awhile, Aro drinking in the rest of her dark thoughts.

     They were only interrupted when Marcus suddenly whispered, "Queen of the volturi."

      Aro thought for a moment. "Yes...Queen of the Volturi." He whispered to Caroline. "How does that sound?" He asked quietly.

       Caroline took awhile to answer til she finally spoke up.

    "Better then life itself."

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