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I know I already wrote a chapter about the Punisher , but this weekend I was watching Daredevil season 2 and in the episode 3 there is a big discussion about justice and hero between the Daredevil and the Punisher, and I loved the two opinions of the two characters so I had to write something. So hope you enjoy again the PunisherDeku :)

"That's strange." Said Hastume while looking at the screen that was loaded in a new session.

"What is it?" Ask Eraser Head.

"It's going back in the universe, where Midoriya and Bakugou had their fight. But it looks like a it's something that happened before."

Everyone in the room stop laughing and talking about the Deadpool universe, has there remember this session about this violent Midoriya on his quest for vengeance.

Bakugou was scared even if he didn't show it because if in this world this Midoriya didn't have a quirk, but could do this much damage, he didn't want to imagine what he could do with his quirk and if he was really angry.

" Ok, let's see what we got." Said the teacher.

This scene takes on a roof of a building, a man in a suit is unconscious and tied with chains to a pillar, he gains consciousness and tried to free himself but in vain, doesn't  work.

"Who's that?" Ask Mina.

"Chut, you will see." Said Jirou.

At this moment Midoriya walks in and go in the direction of his armor case, he opens a tool box.

"Izuku." Calls the man in the suit. "That's your real name?" He continued speaking:

"You get off threatening innocent people?"

"That voice, it's..." Started Yaoyorozu.

"TODOROKI!" Screamed the class.

"Me?" Murmured the Ice and fire student.

"He was only in danger, because you squealed, because you can't follow orders..." But Todoroki cuts him off:

"You had a gun on him, you thumbed back the hammer."

"Yeah, well, that was for. Part of the show." Respond Izuku.

Shouto laugh at the answer of the green head and ask: "What does it mean?"

Midoriya started to get pissed off:

"I really have to spell it out for you, Red? Huh? I'm disappointed. Listen carefully, okay?"
He takes out a gun and walks at Todoroki and point the gun to his head:
"You listening? Yeah? How' bout now?"

"Please don't shoot him, please don't shoot him." Beg some of the students of 1A.

Todoroki shakes it off, Deku carries on speaking:

"I'm not a bad guy, Red."

"You wanna explain that to the orphans and the widows of the men you killed?" Questionned Todoroki in his red suit.

"He killed some people?" Uraraka was shaking at the image of her best friend killing people.

"For Christ's sake, that's what you think?" Questionned Midoriya has he turns away, he continued talking: I'm just some crazy asshole going around unloading on whoever I want to?" He goes and climb a ladder.

Daredevil answers him with sarcasms in his voice: Yeah, that's exactly what I think. You think you're anything else?"

" I think that people I kill need killing, that's what I think."

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