Memories and Regret (Mari)

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Who looks best in a tuxedo/gown?

Knock knock knock.

"Mat, it's us." Tori called out.

There was no reply.

Mat, it's almost 11. Please let us in." Tori pleaded.

Still, there was no response.

"We have hot chocolate!" Tori added.


"I'm just going to open the door." Ryan whispered to Tori. He opened the door and walked into Mat's living room-like area.

Mat was on the couch staring at a picture in a picture frame. He had tears running down his face, and didn't seem to notice Ryan and Tori entering the room. He was just in his own little world.

Tori got the first glance of the photo and recognized it instantly.

Last school year, the school had held a Halloween party for the students. Lexi has been so excited, immediately taking charge and figuring out everyone's outfits. The picture was of the two girls in the center, dressed as princesses-tiaras, fluffy ball gowns, and all-with the boys on the outside dressed as princes. They had taken many serious photos like that, but this one one of the only few goofy and relaxed photos they had taken together. This one had been Lexi's favorite, as it showcased not only her hard work and costume designs, but also the group's friendship.

Tori had always though Ryan had looked the cutest in that photo, Ryan had disagreed, believing it was Tori. Now, all three individuals realized Lexi looked the best. The joy and pride on her face seemed to make her glow.

And maybe she did glow. She did have powers, after all.

"Mat?" Tori asked softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. His eyes snapped up to meet her eyes.

"Tori?" Mat asked, wiping away the tears from his face. "I-I didn't hear you guys come in. Sorry."

Tori responded by sitting down next to her friend and hugging him.

"It's not fair... Why did she have to die? We survived so much together, just for her to die THEN?"

"Tell me about it." Tori sighed. "I literally kept an entire army healthy and alive until they beat the invading army, but I couldn't save her."

"She was the love of my life."

"She was my best friend. Hot chocolate?" Tori asked, handing Mat his drink.


"Any time." Tori resounded.

"So... What's on today's agenda?"

Ryan stood there in confusion. Mat has stopped moping completely in less than a minute.

Then he noticed Tori's runes were visible. Ever since Tori had figured out she could mess with someone's chemicals to help or harm them in a physical way, she had been attempting to learn how to help in an emotional way as well.

She figured her powers would be obvious if she used them to heal people as a doctor in the normal world, but it wouldn't be so noticeable if she used her powers to help people as a psychologist.

Looked like Tori was figuring it out.

"So it's kinda late for breakfast, so I'm thinking Lunch?" Tori suggested.

"I like this plan. It involves food." Ryan agreed. His tea hadn't satisfied his hungry belly, only his addiction.

"I do too." Mat agreed. "Let me get my shoes and we can go."

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