Incorrect Quotes #2

497 13 19

Lexi: Name 1 thing that you wish was real, but isn't.

Mat: My will to live.

Lexi: Okay, but I was thinking something more along the lines of unicorns...


Lexi: I'm powerful in and out of my mech! I'm like a ninja! No, a warrior princess! No, a-

Mat: Pink power ranger?

Lexi: Yeah... That...


Slade: *Driving the gang out to lunch*

Slade: Seriously? Road work ahead?

Mat and Lexi: Well Yeah

Mat, Lexi, Tori, and Ryan: I sure hope it does!

Slade: Why do you do this?


Ryan: Hey guys!

Tori: *Staring at the wall*

Ryan: What's wrong, Tori?

Lexi: SOMEBODY just explained the number 69 to her.

Lexi: *glares at Mat*

Mat: She ASKED!

Tori: I wish I hadn't...


Mat: Hey Lexi?

Lexi: Yeah?

Mat: Can I take you on a date.

Lexi: I don't know... CAN you?



Mat: Nope! *leaves*

Lexi: Babe, no...


Aaron: I don't hate Ryan!

Ryan: Yeah, you just wish I'd be banished to the deepest part of hell.

Aaron: See? He gets it!


Tori: Do you like my new pet cat?

Ryan: Is that a baby tiger?!

Tori: Who's a cute kitty cat?

Ryan: Where did you get a tiger?!

Tori: You are!

Ryan: Tori!


Ryan: So... In short...

Ryan: If I go on one more life threatening mission.

Ryan: My mom is suing the school.

Petra: *sigh*

Petra: There goes my summer plans.


Ryan: Isn't it weird that Petra didn't turn out to be the big villain.

Ryan: I mean... He has everything he needs to be the villain of my life, right?

Ryan: He didn't like my dad...

Ryan: He has a lab and is allowed to freely experiment on the children of this school.

Ryan: And he is semi crazy.

Lexi: In that case, couldn't Mat be the bad guy?

Lexi: He hates your powers.

Lexi: He has all the ins at the school.

Lexi: And he has your trust.

Tori: If we are going this route... Couldn't any Alumni have been the villain?

Ryan: So... I'm surrounded by people who could casually decide they want to kill me?

Tori: Yeah, pretty much.

Lexi: Mood!


Tori: What are you playing, Ryan?

Ryan: Baldi's Basics.

Ryan: It's about this school where you are doing pointless stuff and the teacher, principle, and some of the students are conspiring to kill you.

Ryan: You know...

Ryan: This is frighteningly similar to my freshman year...

Some of these were based off of OTP prompts and such, but I wanted to write some more for all of you guys! Anyways, I have another thing that I'm gonna try to get done either today or tomorrow, so look forward to that. See you soon! Peace!

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