my latest secret.

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i was shocked about what my father had just told me, i had too many questions which needed to be answered, but only Tali could answer them, and well thats impossible because she's gone.

i'm going to go back to bed with Tony for an hour,

"Where did you go?" Tony asked me, when i got back into bed with him before wrapping his arms around me.

"My father called me." i replied,

"Oh ok. And Ziva?"


"I love you."

"I love you to tony."

i went to sleep for a while, but i had little success, because as soon as i went to sleep it was near 5:00am and i had to get up, because my father has dumped this whole thing on me and i have to go and collect my niece.

I yawned before getting up and getting ready,

"Where are you going ziva?" Tony asked me,

"I've gotta go and sort something out, look i'll see you later Tony." i told him,

"Okay bye."


then i left the apartment, by the time i get back with daisy, tony will be gone.

I got into my car and drove to the airport.


It took my about forty five minutes to get to the airport, but that wasn't me driving like a complete ninja, it was normal speed, and look i have ten minutes to spare.

I got my piece of card, which said Daisy on it, and entered the airport to go and collect her as soon as she got off her flight.

The people from the flight came off, i waited for a little girl whole looked like Tali to come..

Is this a set up or something?

i sighed.

Then a little girl came running up to me,

"Are you Ziva?" She asked me, aw she's so cute and she reminds me of Tali alot.

"Yes, i am your aunt." I told her,

"No you're my mummy." She smiled, and held my hand.

"Ok i'm your mummy." I agreed with her, she doesn't have a mum, Tali's dead.. so i'll take the role of being her mother instead.

Me and Daisy exited the airport, and i took her into my car and we drove back to my apartment.

Tony was gone.

i showed Daisy the spare room,, but it was empty.. My father did do one decent thing, he ordered a bed, waredrobe and a chest of draws ( basic furniture).

I can't go to work, but Gibbs will go mental at me if i have the day off, i need a baby sitter..

I texted abby;

hey abby i need a really big favour? But promise you won't tell anyone?

abby: sure i promise! What's the favour? xxx

me: well Tali had a daughter, and my father skyped me last night, and now i've found out that i'm going to be her guardian and i have to get to work about i have no baby sitter...

abby: aw, bring her straight up to my lab and i'll make an excuse to gibbs, he'll buy it. xx

me: thankyou abby, it means alot.

"Daisy we're going out." I told her,

"where are we going mummy?" She asked me,

"To my work." I replied, then we left my apartment, got into my car and drove to the NCIS building.


when we arrived at Ncis, i got in the elevator.. someone else in in there, crap!

i calmed down when i realised that it was only Michelle.

"who's this?" Michelle asks me seeming confused,

"Ziva's my mummy!" Daisy answered the question..

"But your a virgin ziva? I mean yeah she looks like your kid and everything, in fact she looks exactly like you. But how is it possible?" Michelle frowned, i'm not a virgin anymore....

"She's Tali's daughter, but now i'm her guardian. Eli called me last night, and about the virgin thing.. i need to talk to you." I told her,

"You finally did it?" Michelle asked me seeming shockked,

"Maybe, maybe not." i smirked,

"That means yeah." Then the elevator stopped.

"I'll see you in five minutes, i'm taking Daisy up to Abby's lab - she's going to babysit for me." i explained,

"oh okay, see you in a minute." she smiled and got out of the elevator.

the elevator continued to go up to abby's lab, and when it stopped we got out.

Abby was in her lab with her loud music playing,

"Abby this is daisy." I told her,

"She looks exactly like you Ziva!" Abby exclaimed.

"do you think?" i frowned,

"Yeeah." she answered.

"Hello Daisy, i'm Abby." Abby smiled,

"hello abby." Daisy replied, her voice is so cute.

"Aww! Well you don't want to be late do you Ziva? We can catch up later." Abby muttered,

"Thanks abby, and i mean it." I claimed, before leaving her lab.

now all i have to do is go down and work.. and lie to Tony once again.



sorry this is really boring, i didn't mean for it to be.. it's just a filler chapter so yeah. There will be more tiva in the next chapter, i guess this was kinda a filler chapter. It's also quite short and unedited, i'm sorry about that as well. I may update this book during the week, because sunday is my update day, but i usually update this book more than once a week.

anyway thanks for reading <3


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freya x

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