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Work is good, I love it, I love my job its like the only thing I have at the moment.

im currently sat at my desk, still working on the same case, its really hard to solve...

Then Tony came to his desk, no McGee no Gibbs the coast is clear.

"Ziva." Tony came over towards my desk,

"Yes Tony?"

"I love you." He told me, i blushed.. he loves me the man i love, loves me back. Loving life👌. That was such an unexpected moment to say them three words.

"Tony I-" i began, but i couldn't finish my sentence as Gibbs came out of the elevator and would've heard.

"Dinner at mine tonight?" he whispered, and then returned to his desk.

I nodded.

"Dinozzo, Ziva. What you got on the case?" Gibbs asked us.

"Nothing boss." Tony answered his question.

"Well find me something, work faster try harder. You have an hour tops." Gibbs ordered, then he walked up the stairs to Mtac.

He's really like cranky today, its awful.. i prefered Gibbs before when he was nicer, but i still like him.

"Woah. did Gibbs get turned down or something?" Tony joked,

" I don't know.. why are you asking?"

"Well Gibbs is usually only like this when he's having that type of trouble."

No not really?

It could be anything...

Speaking of which i think Shannons and Kellys anniversary is coming up. That must explain it, i dont blame Gibbs to be honest.. i'd be the same, at least he caught the bastard who killed his wife and daughter.


Me and Tony worked further on the case, with our flirtatious comments.. but it was fun.

We actually found some stuff which could be usual so we emailed it to Gibbs.

"Ziva, i can't wait until dinner." Tony smiled, and held my hand. Aw so cute.

"What are we having?" 

"i Don't know Ziva, and it doesn't matter.. as long as we're together."  So cute.

I felt like someone was watching us, listening in watching our every movement, i think it's the same person from the stock cupboard.


~mystery pov~

I saw them, Tony and Ziva they look so happy together..  I remember when i used to work on their team  as field agent.. i miss it, like the team, not that i ever really fitted in..


He should know about this, they're Co-workers and are breaking his rules, but i'm not one to snitch. I'm doing the exact same as them, but not with my co-worker.

I used to be quite good friends with Abby, Ziva.. the whole group but i guess we just went separate ways - i got moved departments without my own say..

I didn't mean to see Tony and Ziva in the stock cupboard, but they're lucky it was me who caught theem and not someone else.. they don't know its me who knows about them so when i'm at work i'll just act normally around them..

I might try to make more of an effort with ziva now, i liked being friends with her and being on her team.. but now i'm lucky if i get to say hello to her once a week.

I think i'm the only one who knows about Tony and Ziva, i hope to intend to keep it that way, so long as ziva does the same for me with my affair, and i know she knows about that as well.


later on that night...


She's so beautiful, sat at my house on the sofa.. We said dinner but Ziva doesn't eat and it really worries me because i love her and i hate seeing her waste herself like this, she really needs to go and see a doctor and get nutritional advice, but its her choice she i just won't say a word about it.

"Tony can i stay the night?" Ziva asked me, 

"Of course." I want to ask her to be my girlfriend officially, but i waiting for the right moment, the right time to ask her, because i don't want to mess it all up with my awful timing skills.

"What are you thinking about Tony?" Ziva asked me another question, if i'm honest i don't mind her asking me quesions, i  actually like it, at least it shows that she has an interest in me.

"oh nothing... just thinking about you, beautiful." I answered her question, aas truefully as i could,, she blushed i love it when she does that.

I want to ask her what happened when she was in Somilia, but i don't think she's comfortable on that subject, and i kinda like the way we are at the moment.

"I bet you are," She smirked at me, she's getting so confident, smirking at me.. thats my thing she copied me!


"Yeah Tony?"

"can i ask you something?" i asked her, 

"sure go ahead."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"  I asked her, with my bad timing, it was unexcpected and not special, but i kinda want it to be official between us, even though we still have to find out who caught us in the stock cupboard, but i wanted this so badly.



mystering point of view? Who is it? You probably won't gues :p it's the person you least expect to be ;). This chapter i don't know i feel like its a bit like rushed... sorry. its kinda Short, unedited, just where to start... i had writers block okay? 

i've been writting this for like a month now oh my it's gone well quick :3

thanks for reading <3<3


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freya xx

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