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Yato grunted and pushed himself up a couple more feet. What was he thinking? Hauling himself up the dark, dingy trash shoot. He should've just wrestled Take and Kiun into letting him use the elevator. Well, at least the exit was in sight, a half circle light reflected against the wall. He hoped his kid was okay, Daikoku and Kofuku seem like the type to like kids. Yato got closer, sweat starting to make his hands slip. Voices echoed from the captain's chamber, too quiet to make out. He did hear a higher pitch, so at least Hiyori wasn't being whisked away again.

The voices got louder as he trucked along, he could make out Hiyori's and the grating sound of that heaven-awful Auto. There were two others, the captain maybe? They sounded much more urgent. Yato's head whipped up when he heard Hiyori cry out and the sound of a blaster being fired.

"Hiyori!" Yato forced himself to move faster, urgency beating his heart. Just as his head was starting to catch the cracks of light, the shoot opened and he froze. Something shiny was tossed down and cracked him on the head. The door slammed shut as the object tumbled off his head and landed neatly between his shoulder and the compator handle. It was the plant, the bottom part of the bottle now a bit cracked. Yato quickly tucked it into the front pocket of his uniform, his label stitched over top, then stuck his fingers through the trash door.

With an echoed grunt his hand shoved up the flap and he heaved himself though he opening, waist crunching like getting out of a pool. He tumbled out onto the floor. Yato's groan was the only noise in the captain's chamber, voices silent. He rubbed his head then looked up to see everyone staring at him. Hiyori was the first to move.

"Yato! The plant!" Hyori called. Yato watched her struggle against the arms of that bug-eyed cyborg.

"Hiyori! Hands off her you-" Yato made a move to get up, only to be knocked fiercely to the side. He recovered on his hands and knees, looking to see Kouto standing next to where he tumbled in. The Auto's arms folded neatly behind his back, eyes flashing murderously down at Yato.

"Well, would you look at that. Here I am ordering my best hunt you down, yet you landed right at my feet," Kouto walked towards him as Yato got to his feet, "Now, give me the plant."

"Don't do it, Yato!" Hiyori shouted. She slammed her boot into the Go-4's legs, knocking him off balance. Her elbow came around and cracked him in the nose as he grappled her wrist to point the gun anywhere but him.

The Auto took advantage of the distraction, and lunged at the Wall-E, who sidestepped and took a swing at Kouto. His punch was met with a block and the two separated in the opposite direction. Hiyori quickly pointed her gun at the co-pilot, only to have her feet taken out from under her. Kugaha took the opportunity to pin her while she struggled, flipping her over and grabbing her wrists again. Captain Tenjin struggled from the floor, crawling towards his downed chair and trying desperately to get it righted.

Yato took a slow breath, his mind reverting back to old habits and experience. He quickly scooped up the plant and locked it in the compactor. Both cyborgs settled into a fighting stance, eyeing each other with equal distain. Hiyori struggled on her stomach, both her hands- and her gun- held captive in the Go-4's red light orb. But neither Yato or Kuoto paid any mind anyone else in the room. 

Yato ran forward and threw another punch. Kouto ducked and kicked at the Wall-E's feet. Yato jumped back, and quickly threw up a guard against the Auto's flying fist. A brown boot shot out and hit Kouto squarely in the torso, sending him backwards into the motherboard. The Co-pilot's head lulled back into the rubble as Yato rushed forward again. He aimed a punch right between the eyes, only to have it be embedded into the control panel. Kouto grabbed Yato's arm with one hand, and swung with the other, cracking Yato's jaw. His elbow followed, drawing blood as Yato ripped himself away. Kouto tried to follow, only to have Yato kick him back a step. 

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