"I'm bored at home. Being idle makes me think about him all the time and it makes me sad" she came over and hugged me

"You'll be fine okay?" I nodded and decided to change the topic before I start crying again

"You're also picking out clothes, where are you going?" I questioned

"Oh! I have an interview today"

"How many times have we told you that you are a member of this family and that you can also work in the company?" Classic Faye, she doesn't like help from others. Even when her parents passed away, mom and dad wanted to adopt her so she won't feel like she's alone in the world and also, mom had a miscarriage then but, Faye refused. She's that stubborn. She always wants to make it on her and be independent. I have always admired her for that.

"I'm good dawn" I pouted "ok, if I don't get this job, I promise I'll come work in the company" I pulled her into a hug. Even though I know she won't do it, I'm still going to hope she works with us

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you" I pecked her cheek

"That's okay now, go and get ready for the office" she giggled

I quickly went into the bathroom and dressed in a silk white blouse with large poppies on it with a red skirt. I pulled my hair in a high ponytail, trying you look as professional as possible

 I pulled my hair in a high ponytail, trying you look as professional as possible

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I went straight to dad's office immediately I arrived at the building. He took me to the conference room where he'll be introducing me to everyone.

"I'm nervous Dad" I whispered to him as everyone stared at me

"It's alright princess, I've got you" he stood up in the center of the room and we all took our seats except him "I called this early meeting because, I want to introduce my daughter Dawn Clemonte. She'll be joining us and in charge of the interior designing department" I stood up and a round of applause filled the room

"Thank you" I smiled at them before taking my seat again

"Everyone under that department will be on her team. Now, I expect you all to treat her with the same respect you have for me. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir" they all said in unison

"Kim. You'll be her assistant, show her around and enlighten her on the basics" dad said to the petite girl with thick curly hair. She looks around my age and she's very cute.

"Yes sir" he then gave them some few instructions before dismissing everyone. I went over to him and hugged him

"Thanks dad" he smiled, patting my hair

"You're my princess so no need for thank you. I have a meeting in ten minutes, so get to work" he said using his business tone

"Yes sir" I saluted, causing both of us to chuckle. To those who weren't close to dad would think he's a cold-hearted and ruthless businessman but, once you get to know him better, you'll realize he's just a big teddy bear

I went out of the conference room and Kim immediately appeared at my side "I'll show you around madam" how did she get here so fast

"Oh there's no need to be formal, call me Dawn" she smiled relaxing a bit. She therefore went ahead to show me around the office and filled me on the current status of the department and how they've been handling everything before now

"We'll be having a meeting with KK industries in an hour" I froze. That was uncle Ethan's company

"Um... Kim? What's the Meeting for?" I asked feeling sweaty all of a sudden

"Oh there's a huge deal we are working on in relation to the building of a new six star hotel. I'm sure it'll be a piece of cake as Mr. Norman has handed this project to his son who just came from London" I felt like a bucket of water was poured on me. Here I was trying to get him off my mind with work but now, I'll be seeing more of his face. Ugh!!

"Okay" I dismissed her and went to myself to try and prepare myself mentally and emotionally for his arrival.


I was awestruck when he walked into the boardroom with Uncle Ethan. He looked exceptionally gorgeous in his Armani suit and from the way the other female staffs were ogling him, I'm sure they'll agree with me

I went to give uncle a hug which he reciprocated "Ah! Dawn, I see you have decided to join the company. That's very good my dear" uncle said, to which I blushed to

"Thank you" dad and uncle hugged each other and I stood awkwardly in front of Ash. He looked everywhere else but me

"Hi" I managed to speak out. Stupid dawn, of all the things you could say, you said 'hi' really?

"Hi" he nodded in acknowledgement. I'll admit he's actions hurt but I'll put it aside for now

"Let us start, come on kids" dad said. Ash walked away and sat next to his father while I sat opposite them on dad's right hand side

After 40 minutes of discussion "Ash I trust you will handle this project very well and Dawn, you'll be working alongside with him" my eyes buldged out of it's sockets as i quickly turned to Ash to see he also had the same expression on his face

"Uncle I'm sure I can handle this project on my own" he tried to reason with dad

"I don't doubt that at all. I want you two to work together plus, as Dawn is the new head of the interior designing department, so both of you have to work together" dad explained

"Yes sir" he glared at me and I gulped. Everyone left the office, leaving Ash and me behind

"I'll ask my PA to send you a blue print of the project, I want us to begin immediately" he said in a very cold and professional tone

"Okay" I replied simply, not wanting to upset him further. He turned to leave but I stopped him

"What?" He glared and I suddenly lost the courage to speak

"I..I know t..that you don't want to see me or t..talk to me but, can... can we just be civil? At least for the sake of this project"

"Trust me Dawn, this is me being civil with you" with that he left the room. If this is what being civil is to him, then I definitely don't want to see him upset

I went back to my office to get some work done and by the time I was through, it was already past 5. My tummy growled as I had forgot to have breakfast. I quickly got into my Ashton Martin DB11 and drove home

Wassup my peeps (yep, I definitely said peeps😉.) Anyway, please don't be offended for the current situation of the story. I had to rewrite this chapter and the others that followed.

When reading it, it had a lot of crap and I don't want to disappoint you guys so I deleted them and I'm rewriting. Also, please be patient with Ash and Dawn's or should I say DASH's love story (cute shipping right?). As I was saying, I'm still thinking of how to put the story together that's why it's all over the place but don't worry, it'll get better.

So, please don't forget to comment and vote and share. Thank you 😘

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