Ch.11 What Next

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I fell asleep after an hour of thinking, and I couldn't come up with anything. The next morning, I woke early. I sat up and looked out the window. What was I going to tell Jay when I'd leave at midnight? I sighed, whatever I would say, didn't matter right now. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time and it read, 6:15 am. I didn't expect to be up early. But I wasn't surprised. I couldn't fall asleep again, so I got up, put my hoodie on, and opened the door, going outside. I was quiet so I wouldn't wake up Jay. I shut the door behind me, then leaned against the wall, staring up at the sky. It was a little dark, but the sun was slowly rising. It was a bit cold. I put my hands in the pocket of my hoodie. I put my head against the wall, and shut my eyes for a few seconds, then opened them again. I wanted time to go slower, so midnight wouldn't come anytime soon. I didn't want midnight to come at all. I still didn't know what to tell Jay, or if I should tell him at all.

(What was the point in this? A random time skip also..)

A half hour passed. I decided to head to the city. I walked around, looking at the buildings. I saw a paper on the ground. It was a news paper. It read,
"Mystery boy saves teenage girl!"
It was an article about me saving the girl the other day. I sighed, it wasn't that big of a deal. Atleast they didn't know it was me. I didn't need alot of attention. I tossed the paper away and continued to walk around. There wasn't alot of people at this hour. The place almost seemed dead. It was quiet. I liked that. I looked at the buildings all around. Some tall, some small, some short, and more. Some lights on, some off. It was interesting, the history behind the city. A war or something happened at the old "version" of the city. So they rebuilt it. I shook my head a bit, I was trying to clear my mind. But the hour of midnight kept coming back. I stopped, and decided to head back, as the sun was rising more. There wasn't much at the city anyway.

A few minutes later, I was back at Jay's. I opened the door, closed it behind me, then sat down. I looked at my backpack, and pulled out a small book. I got this from my mom when I was younger. I flipped through the pages. After about 15 minutes, I looked at the time. 7:40am. I sighed and then decided that I wasn't going to tell Jay. I knew I should, but I also knew that I shouldn't. I didn't want Adam or Jay to see each other, and I also didn't want Adam to know that Jay ever saw me. I leaned back on the couch, letting thoughts go around my head. Hours passed... It was 6pm. I have been reading and thinking for hours.

Jay was gone doing whatever else a hero does here. I then stood up and decided to practice with my powers. I first let a flame go around the tips of my fingers, then I quickly stopped, as I heard someone behind me. I turned to see who it was. It was Tycer. "What are you doing here!?" I asked a bit confused. "It's Adam..he wants you back right now." Tycer said, and looked a bit scared. "What? Why?" I said. "I'm sorry..." Tycer said and looked away. "But it's serious."

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