Chapter 7 - A training that goes too far

Start from the beginning

- Maoïr, what happens during the stroïgil? Said Taghna.

The man, imperturbable, replied:

- When you are ready, you will have the opportunity to prove your ability to survive.

- But why don't you want to train us for this, then?

- Taghna, every awakened moment is dedicated to this training, don't you know it yet? he said most naturally.

- But you don't hunt, do you? asked Færn.

- There are many ways to hunt, my little Færn, and all of them are essential to Séaroën's survival.

- I don't see how picking is the same as hunting, Taghna added.

- Don't worry about it, you just have to do your best. Now, where are you with your harvest? asked Maoïr in a tone that indicated he wanted to close this discussion.

- We're doing very well. Besides, Færn is even starting to make reserves, isn't Færn? said Taghna. Do you think we'll be able to try hunting soon?

The little girl did not forget why they had come to do. So the man ended up admitting:

- It's still a little early for that, but it will come. First of all, you must be one with what surrounds you. That said, he added with a smile, the pieces of wood I asked you to look for will be useful to you in making your first assegai. So don't waste any time!

Surprised to be given such valuable information, it took Taghna a moment to understand Maoïr's words. Then she jumped with joy, shouting that they would soon start hunting. Her enthusiasm convinced Færn, who joined in her happiness and started looking for branches that could be used to make the most beautiful spear ever made.

Very quickly, the word spread around the group of children and a light and joyful competition took place. All began to pick up or break branches of varying length and thickness, not knowing how to build a spear or what characteristics of the wood to use to make a weapon worthy of the name. Everyone went on to argue their own theory and were debating it with all the seriousness of those in the unknown.

At the end of the day, as the sun was dropping in the sky, they were famished. They had rushed to complete their daily tasks to spend as much time as possible choosing their tools, exchanging opinions and justifying their choices. They didn't mind not knowing anything about it, they followed what they felt. They would have time to change their strategy. Déan, who had mocked Stær when he saw the tiny branches she had gathered under her frail arm, had sworn that the largest possible piece of wood was needed and he had found one so long and thick that he could not even carry it alone.

After long debates around the fire, each child was left with two or three possible sizes that could do the job. They preferred to keep options open if an adult suddenly gave them valuable advice that would change the situation. Only Slavan and Taghna worked with a single straight branch. They jealously protected it and no one could touch it.

Realizing that most adults were slow to return, Asgeül offered to play archféar by brandishing their new weapon. Taghna obviously refused to take over the role of the losers, claiming that she had already done so last time.

- But we didn't even have time to play, Branach protested.

- That's right, added Caïséan, who usually stayed quiet. Besides, we should all change roles, otherwise it's not fair.

- Asgeül should be an archféar. That way, we'll be even, said Taghna.

Seeing this as an opportunity to show magnanimity, Asgeül, more socially skilled than Taghna, was about to accept her role when Færn interrupted:

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