An Unfortunate Chaperone

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It had been one week.

Emilia supposed that she should say that it had been one week since the prince's funeral, or perhaps a better determiner of time would be that it had been one week since Theo had gotten engaged to a royal princess.

It also might be appropriate to say that it had been one week since Emilia had received her first gentleman caller in many years. Though she was not certain if that counted, seeing as the gentleman had called on her when she was alone in the home of another gentleman.

Regardless, many things had happened since that day one week ago.

But Emilia was not counting the days since the prince's funeral or Theo's engagement. No, unfortunately, she was counting the days since Will had walked away from her. Again.

In a way, it was worse than the first time he had done it. Then, Emilia was lost in her anger. Now, it was merely a raw ache. Emilia had not seen or heard from Will since that day he brought her back to Kingfield House. She pondered briefly on the vagueness of the word later in the phrase 'see you later.'

Emilia tried to look forward instead of dwelling on her memories and wishes. And in truth, her new situation with Lord Trevor was helping a great deal. True to his word, Lord Trevor had called on her that morning, exactly a week after their conversation at Will's townhouse. Emilia could hardly refuse to accept his call, so they had sat in the parlor, ate cakes, and drank tea. It would have likely been a pleasant visit except for the presence of their chaperone.


Everything had begun relatively benign. Theo walked into the room, shaking Lord Trevor's hand with a mighty grasp. It was a proper greeting. They had all sat down together, and that was the moment when her brother must have lost his mind. Two minutes into a morning call on a sunny London day, Theo Shepard, the Duke of Kingfield, could have been a contender for an insane asylum.

"So, Trevor," Theo began. "Has your father finally decided to cut off your gambling funds, or to what do we owe this pleasure?"

"Theo!" Emilia hissed, shocked at his words. While her brother could be overbearing at times, typically in occasions of polite conversations with guests, he was respectable and genteel. Perhaps even soft-spoken. When he chose to be, that is.

He was not choosing to be.

Trevor did seem to know what to say, and Theo seized on the opportunity.

"Her dowry is substantial, but with the losses you have been known to make...well, you might still require your father's help." Theo flashed Emilia a mischievous smile, and she felt her lips flatten into a thin line. "Emilia, darling, since he enjoys wagers, let us say we make one," her brother said lazily.

"Let us not, Theodore," Emilia ground out.

"Come now," Theo continued. "Do you reckon he is here for your dowry or for your—"

"I am here," Lord Trevor cut in, to Emilia's great relief, "because Lady Emilia is one of the loveliest ladies that I have had the pleasure of speaking to. You do your sister a dishonor, Your Grace."

Emilia felt a tingle of pleasure at his smooth words. She thought they might shut Theo up, but he was unrelenting.

"Do not lecture me in my own house, Lord Trevor. I know exactly the worth of my sister. It is my job to ensure that others do as well."

"You have a funny way of going about it," muttered Lord Trevor.

"And you have a funny way of showing your interest," Theo shot back. "I heard that you followed Lord Trotten and my sister to his townhome."

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