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London, England


"Christ, Will. Get a grip."

Will dragged his gaze across the ballroom until he met the steely gray eyes of his best friend, Leo—otherwise known as Lord Farrington. Leo was wicked smart, prince-charming handsome, and a wealthy earl. But mostly, he was bloody annoying.

At least, presently so.

"Were there no women on the continent?" Leo continued. "Have you truly been out of touch with society for so long that you go slack-jawed at any woman who passes within ten feet of you?"

Will rolled his eyes, but it did not stop his friend from continuing in chastising banter. "You gave Lady Priscilla a look that was certainly not deserving of her spinster attire. Not even an inch of her collarbone was showing in that number she is wearing. Her collarbone, Will."

"Perhaps I thought she had a nice smile," he replied blandly, shrugging.

Actually, there had been plenty of women on the continent. Despite what Leo might believe, Will was not eyeing up the ladies of London because he had been starving himself of the opposite sex.

He was staring because he was looking at them for an entirely different reason.

Coming back home had felt bizarre for Will; England was different from when he had left. Just recently, King William IV and his entire family had been killed in a gruesome carriage accident. Everywhere Will went, he heard people speaking about it in hushed tones, and the mood in London was bleak. William's brother was ascending the throne, and people were not terribly happy about it.

Thinking of that, Will leaned over to Leo. "Did you receive an invitation to King Ernest's coronation?"

"Did I receive an invitation to the coronation?" Leo repeated, looking at Will as though he had sprung another head.

"Yes, I do believe that was what I asked."

"No, of course I did not get an invitation. I am not that important," Leo scoffed and then glanced away, watching the dancers twirl around the room. It was brightly lit that evening, glowing and warm on an otherwise blustery night. Will could almost hear the wind whipping outside. Tree branches swayed dramatically beyond the large glass windows which surrounded the ballroom.

Will frowned, taking in Leo's response. "Well, I was invited."

Leo jerked his head back to look at him. "What do you mean you were invited?"

"I mean, I went home yesterday, and there was an invitation."

"To the King of England's coronation?"

"Yes, to the King of England's coronation, Leo."

Leo looked slowly away, his eyes trailing a pretty blonde woman for a moment before snapping his gaze back to Will again. "I know a great many people attend, but I did not think they sent out personalized invitations. I thought it was simply implied that if you desired to stand amongst the crush of people, you could. Perhaps it was merely a...general announcement."

"It had my name on it," Will said flatly.

Leo appeared puzzled, which was precisely how Will felt. "No offense, Will, but...why? You haven't even been in England for the last few years."

"No idea," Will replied, shrugging. It was what he had been wondering himself since yesterday. "I was hoping you would have gotten one too."

"Sorry, mate. Cannot help you there." Leo clapped a hand on Will's back just as he took a sip of his drink. Will sputtered and glared at his friend, who then grimaced, mumbling an apology into his own glass before suddenly straightening. Will was momentarily alarmed at what Leo had seen, but the approaching lady soothed his worries.

Before He Was Mine (Before Series, Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें