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3 months later

Teresas pov

Vegas was placed in a mental institution after we came home. I visit her twice every week and she was scheduled to come out today. Mike is going to pick her up. I haven't seen much of Elijah since then. He is always out on some business or the other. I know things were going to get extremely weird for us after everything was resolved especially since we had sex but I thought that we would have gotten pass it by now. I saw Elijah walk pass the kitchen window and towards the garden. I ran after him and that was when I saw him cozied up with British. They look happy and right for each other so I turned away and walked back towards the house. When I entered mom was sitting on the couch watching television. I sat beside her and she placed her head on my shoulder. "When did you get in?"

"Your uncle just dropped me off. I think he is seeing the cook. They keep on creeping around plus I caught him with his pants down in her room." I laughed at that and confirmed that they are actually together. Elijah walked in the room a few minutes later and stood next to us.

I turned towards him and studied him for a bit. "I don't need you as my bodyguard anymore Elise is taking over."

"You are replacing me." Vegas laughed and said "I think that's what she just said buddy." Elijah glared at me before storming out of the room. Mom turned towards me. "You fucked him didn't you?" I nod. "That's step one in our lives baby. Never fuck your guard because they are never really interested." Tears build in my eyes and I just let them run. I know I might not have spent enough time with him and this feeling might not be love but it is real and it could be nourished into that when the time came. Mom just shook her head and left the room. "If it's meant to work out then it will Daisy."

A few days passed by and I have been avoiding Elijah like the plague. He finally cornered me in my room. "You have been avoiding me." I quickly turned around and denied it completely. "Then why haven't I seen you and when I enter any room you are in you leave the room claiming to do some bogus chore."

"They aren't bogus if I actually went through with them." He stepped towards me and asked "Did you actually water the pigs or did you run to Hollywood?" I backed up towards the window as he caged me in and I replied "I didn't but I ran to the pond. That counts."

"Why did you actually relieve me Teresa and tell me the truth." He was the only one who still called me Teresa everyone else called me Daisy because of mom. That was one rule she enforced. "The day mom was relieved I saw you in the garden with British and that was when I realized that you're probably not interested so to give myself a break and to get rid of whatever feelings I had I relieved you plus you have been avoiding me weeks prior to that. I just act up on what you already started."

He shook his head and whispered in my ear as he bit it "She was helping me to get use to the fact that I can actually have feelings for another human being. It may not be love but I have a deep undying devotion for you that I will never break and a place in my heart that will forever be yours because you rescued me in the dead of night" With that he captured my lips.

A promise was made. A promise was sealed. A promise kept.

IN THE DEAD OF NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now