Chapter 3

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Elijah's pov

Every time I think we have a chance of getting to England alive these little shitholes find some way to make this harder than it already is. I surveyed the area trying to see if we have a fighting chance that was when I saw the shadow of one of the men coming around the shelf nearest to us. The gun I had only had three bullets and there were four of them. I grabbed it and aimed for the man's head and shot him. A series of gunfire started shooting where we were positioned. I grabbed Teresa's hand and began dragging her towards the exit when another man showed up I shot him in his legs and on his way going down he clipped me in the shoulder. That's another damn bullet wound I am going have to attend when we get to the nearest motel. Teresa cried out and when I turned around one of the guys held her by the hair and was dragging her towards the exit. I was heading towards her when I was shoved violently in the nearest shelf.

Getting myself together I stood up and the guy flipped out a knife. Teresa was still screaming and trying to get away; when she suddenly went quiet. My attention diverted the guy slashed my shoulder. "Motherfuckin' shit that hurt so bad." I am definitely not being paid enough for this bullshit. He slashed at me again and I ducked beneath his arms and pushed him in the shelf and hit him over the head with a tin of corn. Multiple times got the job done. Hearing the screech of tires I raced outside and shot at the wheel. The car lurched sideways and ran into the light post. I took my time to approach the car and that I was when I felt someone touch my shoulder and whispered 'Where are you going we are supposed to get out of here?"

I was scared shitless doesn't mean I will ever admit to anyone. "What the hell? I thought you were in the car?"

"Oh no. I kicked him in his nuts and took up this awesome weapon when he ran out there saying he is going to get me or something of the likes." I shook my head and just head 20 miles east to the nearest exit where a motel resides. Teresa wouldn't stop talking about this or that as I lagged behind. I guess the adrenaline rush was still caught up in her veins which made her excited and incoherent.

When we reached the motel a little before dawn we went inside and paid for a room, we got the key and went towards the elevator. The room was small and only possessed one bed along with a kitchen and a sitting room. Teresa went straight towards the bathroom and I went in the kitchen. I gathered the bandages and sewing kit I took from the store and placed them on the table. I was sterilizing the needle and searching for a bottle of whiskey when she came into the room wrapped in only a short towel. 'Oh my motherfuckin'mother I swear this girl is going to kill me."

She looked absolutely divine. Her legs were longer and her thighs were thick the towel not giving it enough room to move neither her hips to sway. Her breasts were playing a game of hide and seek and nipples were hard. She went to the mini fridge and bent down to take out a bottle of water. Peeking at her butt I realized it ate up the panty she was wearing under. "Dear lord, take me now before I suffer from a heart attack." She leant against the table and took a swig. I was gravitated towards her. She drew me in like a moth to a flame. I took a step towards her and watched to see if she would retreat. When she stayed where she was and just watched me through half closed eyes I caged her in on the table.

This was going to be one extremely torrid affair. I removed the towel from her upper body and watched it bundle around her hips the table holding it together. I leaned in to kiss her and she met me half way. Her lips were soft and tasted like cherries. I licked the seam of her lips to get more of the exotic taste that was all her with no additives. Her hands wrapped around my shoulder inches away from my injury but I ignored the pain trying to get more of her. My hands were on her hips; deciding on their own to travel towards the delicious peaks located on her chest. She began to resist and ramble against my lips. Rendered deep in lust I did not realize what was going on until she pushed hard against the wound on my shoulder I had received at the house. I hollered in pain and drew back, leaning against the counter in front of her and praying for the pain to go away.

She gasped in fright and used her hand to cover the same lips I was taking pleasure from before as she apologized profusely. "Why didn't you tell me you were injured?"

"I was going to take care of it until I was pleasurable distracted by someone. " I replied nodding towards the towel that was still bundled around her hips. She covered herself and then commanded me to stay where I was as she went to change. I grunt my response and she looked at me a little longer then nod her head and left.

When she returned I was seated at the table taking a shot of whiskey that I found in the cupboard beneath the sink. She was dressed in a cotton shorts and shirt. I turned away from her to prevent a repeat of what happened earlier. She took a seat in front of me and requested for me to remove my shirt. When I removed it 'after an hour'; that's what it felt like with all these pain racking my body she inspected the injuries.

I winced when she poked and prod around the wound. "You should have told me that you were injured before what happened happened."

"You mean the kiss?" I questioned as she blushed knowing that she wouldn't say it out loud. She took a deep breath and replied "Yes the kiss." She cleared her throat and reached for the whiskey before pouring some on the wound to act as disinfectant I took a mouthful to numb my body. She poured it grabbed the sewing kit and began to stitch the slash wound I had received.

"So, umm how long have you been working for my Uncle?" I looked at her as she concentrated hard on what she was doing. "I actually work for your granddad. He ahh adopted me when I was 12 from a home and upon his death your uncle took over."

"So that makes you?" I smiled and said "29." She shook her head vigorously "that's a good solid 10 years you got on me." I laughed at that and agreed. She went quiet for a few moments and then she inquired "I realized that you had an accent on certain words but I couldn't place it seeing as I don't have much to go by." I turned away from her as I told her that it was actually a British accent. "How did you get here then from Britain?"

"That's enough questions for tonight," I said as she finished wrapping the wound. I got up from the table and left her there. A couple minutes later I heard the door to the room slowly shut and I breathed a sigh of relief. My past isn't something I am comfortable discussing. It's not that am ashamed a lot of people have gone through worst but the plain old truth is that my parents just did not want me. They had me board a plane at the tender age of 7 and shipped me here with nothing giving the air-hostess some bogus story about an aunt waiting to pick me up. There was none of course and seeing that they left the address soon after I landed the government had taken responsibility placing me in the system. I shook my head at the thoughts and leant back on the couch. From there I had the same disturbing dream I witness each and every night.

London, England

Unknown pov

A phone rang in the distance and was answered quickly . "Hello?"

"Did you get through?" Vince questioned.

"Yes sir. I just spoke to Mr. Hades and he agreed wholeheartedly when he realized the entirety of the situation."

"Oh good the plan is coming together perfectly." The phone hung up and Vince grinned triumphantly in the darkened room. 

IN THE DEAD OF NIGHTDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora