Chapter 6

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Teresa's pov

Normally his voice would be clipped and straight to the point almost as if he didn't want to engage in the conversation taking place but with the person he was speaking to on the phone his voice was soft and reverend, almost admiring. It was like he held that person in high esteem especially with the way he told them he loved them. I have never heard him speak like that before. Maybe who-ever she is, is his girl-friend or wife. I lay down on the bed and although it was soft to the touch and felt like heaven I could not fall asleep. These recurring thoughts of Elijah and the unknown woman keep coming to mind. It was around 3 that I finally got to go to sleep but it was only for 3 hours because I was up by 6 and in the kitchen preparing breakfast, by the time Elijah rolled around. He completely ignored me. He took a bottle of water and went outside and disappeared for around an hour. "I bet he went to meet up with the bitch that was supposed to come here. Slick motherfucker." Conversation with myself continued until he showed up back. His shirt was wet and sweat was running down his face. He was breathing so hard like he just ran a marathon. "Yea or maybe he just had sex with you know." I began to see red as soon as that thought came to mind.

I slammed the knife I had in my hand, peeling the orange, on the table and stormed towards the room I occupied. I was furious and I had absolutely no reason why. I had absolutely no hold on him and he isn't mine to love and appreciate. With that thought I calmed down and went back to the kitchen, when I entered he was sitting at the table eating a couple of the pancakes I made along with egg and bacon and the orange I was peeling sat finished on the other side of him. "Are you going to take a seat and have breakfast?" he asked as he chewed his food. I took a plate from the rack and piled food on the plate. I took the knife and cut the orange in half and gave him a piece. He merely raised his eyebrow at that.

We ate on silence and when he was finish he sat and waits on me. "Are you going to tell me what your problem is?" I looked at him and thought about it. "Actually I just realized I was overreacting about something that clearly didn't concern me so at this moment in time I don't have anything bothering me."

He shook his head at that. "Well I would like to know what you were overreacting about."

"Am sorry but that doesn't concern you." He was clearly irritated. "It does if you have been acting up from last night ignoring me plus giving me attitude." He growled. I am the one ignoring him the little bitch. "Did you even see me this morning standing here when you left to do God know what? You didn't even acknowledge my presence when you returned. So why the fuck should I be the one to accommodate your feelings when you clearly aren't taking mine into consideration." He sat there stunned for a moment and then he laughed. I was outraged that he actually found the situation funny. I was about to leave when he called out to me. "Teresa tell me what exactly is bothering you so I could clarify it."

I stared at him for a moment completely debating if I should actually tell him it was the way that he spoke to the woman on the phone that caused something in me to stir that I have never felt before or I should just leave it as it is. I went with the latter option and was turning to leave again when I felt him took a hold of my hips. His lips met my ears and he nibbled the lobe. He kissed my neck a few times and whispered "Tell me what's bothering you Teresa. I want to hear it whether it's foolish or it's already in the past." I took a deep breath and whispered what was bothering. "I can't hear you Teresa you're going to have to speak a little louder baby."

Him calling me baby unleashed something inside of me. I turned towards him and looked him in the eye. "I was jealous about last night." That struck him because he went still and then he gave me a half smile that revealed a dimple in his right cheek. Something possessed me to caress and he leant into the embrace. "Why were you jealous love?"

At that I looked down and he gently rose my chin and made eye contact all over again. My hand had slipped from his face and now rested on his shoulder. "Because I heard the way you spoke to the woman last night."

"How did you know it was a woman?" he questioned looking baffled.

"I am not stupid you know. Young but definitely not stupid. Your tone and demeanor. You were relaxed at ease. You spoke with certainty, love and joy in your voice only once did you sound sad and that kind of made me sad but then I realized that I didn't hold a position in your life to feel such emotions and then jealousy raged because I have to pump information out of you to receive it and she probably didn't have to do much to receive. So your right it's both foolish and in the past." With that I turned way and left and this time he didn't try to stop me.  

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