Alex shakes his head, "He's probably at the bar again. He won't hurt you again, will he? We are breaking the rules," his eyes water lightly, afraid for her own well being instead of his own. 

Ruffling her hand through his snow-white hair, "Don't worry about me, I'll deal with it later. Now, shall we eat some cupcakes?"

Alex's face lit up, running up the stairs into our room, Lena takes her time so she doesn't ruin the cupcakes.

Once she got into their room, she places the two cupcake boxes on a bare desk against the wall by her bed on the right. She and Alex's room hasn't changed since they were taken into the orphanage besides the necessary essentials. A bathroom attached facing the opposite direction of the desk, near Alex's bed. The walls are bare, the beds are the same dull color with only a red pillow for Lena's bed and a light blue pillow for Alex's bed to distinguish the two. 

Next to the door was a dresser, the top two filled with the small amount of clothing Lena has, and the bottom two filled with the small amount of clothing Alex has. 

Placing her backpack on the desk as well, opening it up so she can set up her homework, only to see three robotic toys. Cocking her head sideways, confused as she takes the three toys out, placing them upright near the cupcakes. "Odd, I never put you guys in there." Jack and Miko's actions suddenly make sense, angering Lena. "They took pity on me like everyone else, didn't they," mumbling, unpacking the two cupcakes for her eager brother. 

"What are those?" Alex points to the toys, thinking they're for him. "A goodie-two-shoes and a persistent exchange student sneakily placed them in my bag. I'm going to give the toys back to them tomorrow." 

"Aww. I thought I'd actually have a toy... the kids in my classes keep making fun of me for not having one," the albino boy pouts. Bullying is usual to them so it has no effect on their emotional state but it does sometimes pierce their hearts. "I'm sorry, Alex, but you know what Leo would do if he finds them," the cupcakes were finally unpacked. 

Her brother's eyes sparkled while Lena placed a candle in the center of the frosting for both two cupcakes. "Oh! Are you going to use your flaw to light it? Please please please! It's so cool!"

Sighing at her brother's begging, "My flaw isn't 'cool'. Neither of our flaws is 'cool'. And you know exactly why." But she brings a flickering flame to life on the tip of her right index finger, placing the flame at the top of the candle, lighting it. 

Fiddling with his thumbs, sitting patiently on the bed, kicking his feet against the hard bedpost. "Lena, why are mutants hunted?" 

The question almost makes her drop the cupcake and light the desk on fire. Almost. Her eyes wide open, trying to find a comforting answer for her younger sibling. Stuttering, "I..I-I don't know, Alex. All I know is that humans find us as either a threat or a power to be controlled. Which is why-" "-Why I have to control my flaw. But it's so hard! Whenever my heart races, frost starts appearing. What if I don't learn how to control it? What if bad people come after me?!"

Placing her hands on both her brother's shoulders, trying to calm him before he covers his entire bed in ice, which it was already halfway there. "Alex. As long as I'm here, I won't let a thing happen to you. And you will learn to control it as I've learned to control mine. Now make a wish you goof," placing the cupcake in the worrisome child's hands. 

Quickly, he scrunches his eyes closed and blows out the candle, smiling brightly. Lena has her brother hop off the bed as he devourers the treat so she can melt the ice away. 

Small but noticeable flames come out of her palms, gently grazing over the ice. "Your bed will be soaked for a bit. If it isn't somewhat dry by later tonight, you can sleep with me," assuring the boy that everything is fine. Giggling at the frosting all over his mouth, helping wipe it off. 

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