VI: what happened?

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After awhile of sitting on the roof Kaminari went inside upon Bakugo's request and I continued sitting up on the roof alone to my thoughts. Which isn't the best thing depending on how I'm feeling.

After watching the sky fall into a deep hue of blue over black I decided to head downstairs then take a walk around town despite the curfew for the dorms. Which has already passed.

I run down the stairs in a flash and out of the door with no trouble, the front gate didn't even give me any trouble as I head out into the cool night, the air rushing past and ruffling my naturally unruly hair.

I go to the nearby park and sit in the middle of a grassy field, looking up at the stars now dotting the sky as I feel the dew drops on the grass. It was serene to be alone in the beautiful silence of the night.

My eyes were heavy so I sat up and looked around in search for a department store or something. My tired eyes fell onto a drugstore or corner store, whichever you prefer to call them.

I got up and stretched my back, getting a satisfying ripple of cracks and a feeling of eased tension before I return to my bad posture as I walk into the store taking a glance at the woman behind the counter who was a middle aged woman with brown hair with grey streaks.

I go to the back of the room where the fridges reside and grab a monster and a full throttle before going and setting them on the counter. After paying I go out and across the street, returning to the park.

I sat against a tree drinking the caffeinated elixir as I studied the quiet naborhood and letting my imagination run wild before my eyes lock with those of a young boy who was walking down the street holding his arm but froze once our gazes met.

I slowly stand and hold a hand out to the boy who flinched before approaching cautiously. I kneeled down and studied him. He could be no older than seven with mousey brown hair and deep hazel eyes, he had a small bruise on his jaw and his arms were covered by the same deep colors across light skin.

"Do you know who did this?" I ask him quietly, his eyes snapping from the ground to lock with mine as he nodded and pointed down the road were a large man was slowly stumbling forwards.

"Alright can you talk to the police while I deal with him? It might be best if you go into that small store" I tell the boy as I take out my phone and dial 119 (119{japan} 112 or 999 {Europe} or 911 {North America} )

I hand the boy the phone as I press call and he hurries off to the store while I stand looking at the man who had come a hell of a lot closer within that time that I had not been looking.

Even from a distance I could smell the booze from him as he stumbled closer reminding me that in a world of heros and villains there are still smaller problems like alcohol that still are an issue.

"Where did that damn boy run off to?" I heard the man ask himself under his breath and I glared at him. I stepped out into the sidewalk blocking his path as I turned to face him.

His beer gut stood out more than his dirty blond hair which was the sad reality. He slowed until we were a mere five feet apart, then he stopped completely.

"What are you doing out at this time?" I ask in fake curiosity, an innocent enough question. I just had to by time for the police who had a usual reaction time of six minutes.

The man shakes his head with a scoff, taking a swig from a beer bottle that his grubby hands were clutching. It disgusted me.

He held the bottle out to me and I shook my head saying "no thank you" in response.

Walls Are Made To Be Broken《Shinkami》 FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now