XI:Wake up

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[Probably not the best chapter to post this on but I drew and colored this art of seishin_cos in his Shinsou cosplay. It along with other peices of my art can be found at softboi_draws on instagram. Please check it out!]

"I'm sorry Kaminari, we can't visit today we have to study."

It's been a month sense Shinsou was saved from that house where he had been tortured and he is still in a coma. Every single day after class I visit him but usually the Bakusquad comes with. But today they couldnt.

So now I'm alone, sitting in a hospital room looking at my sleeping friend that I love so much it hurts. What if I never confess to him? What if I lose him forever? No! I refuse!

I will not let my last time with him be sitting on the roof! [everything past the house was just Shinsou's imagination, sorry if its confusing] Damnit... damnit DAMNIT! Why did things have to go this way? If I had just stayed with him then this wouldnt have happened.

Aizawa told be not to blame myself, Yamada told me he's here for me, and eri... poor little eri doesnt know what to say. She just cries, begging her older brother to wake up, begging him not to die.

Everyone from class has visited, no one acts the same around me, Bakugou stopped insulting me, well the entire class stopped but his change was the most drastic. Sure hes a bit of a softy secretly but even in public hes so much nicer to me.

While it makes it easier on me not having to deal with the insults that cut so deep but I pretend they dont, it also makes everything worse. My whole life has been flipped upsidown and no one treats me as they once did. I've lost the one I've grown closest to.

While hot tears roll down my face and onto the white hospital blanket that covers the one I love as I hold his hand in mine, his skin was cold to the touch but hus heart was beating steadily as the heart monitor read out in robotic beeps.

Suddenly the beeps speed up and his hand squeezes my own, causing me to look up, the purplette was struggling to breathe with the tube going down into his lungs.

I grabbed the remote like object at the side if the Ben and pressed the nurse call button as fast as I could, the nurses rushing in and pushing me out to the waiting room. Soon enough Aizawa, Yamada, and Eri all joined me asking what happened and the smiles on their faces when I said he woke up was like something I've never seen before.

Eri sat in my lap, sharing stories with me as we've grown close, Yamada and Aizawa had gone back into the room to discuss things eri and I apparantly could not hear. After a few minutes we were called back, shinsou was sitting up with the iv in his arm and tubes goin in his nose to assist the transition.

I hat to restrain myself from jumping on him and hugging him tight as possible, thought it seems he has much less restraint as he jumped up and nearly fell but grabbed onto me pulling me into a tight hig that I quickly returned to the nurses dislike.

I was basically soaking his hospital gown with my tears. It had been so long sense I've felt his touch, sense ibe heard his voice. He was laughing as he held me against his chest.

"How long have I been out? Everyone is crying so it must've been quite awhile." Shinsou spoke as he let go of me and instead sat on the bed, patting it as a motion for Eri to climb up with him and sit.

"You've been out for three months kid, everyone has missed you. Denki here has visited every day usually bringing his friends for a bit." Says Aizawa as Eri climbs oto the bed and clings onto Shinsous side, sniffling while he rubs her small back to comfort her.

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