III: No One Can Know

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Kaminari POV

When I wake up my face is pressed against something and my legs are tangled with something. Then I realized it is infact a someone not a something.

I looked up and see a mess of purple hair and pale skin. Shinsou was asleep above me, his breath shallow and his face peaceful. He was picture perfect, speaking of I pull my phone from the pocket of my sleeping shorts and open the gallery, going to the pictures of him with the kitten. He looked happy.

I sent them to the group chat of the Bakusquad like Mina and Kirishima had asked. Those two were like, the love goo roo's  (Gurus? Goe rios? Joo rues?) of the school. Sure Jirou had her 'cave of bisexuality' but that nothing on these two.

I slowly sit up and slide out of the bed while messaging the group but I heard something behind me, sniffling. I turn to see that Shinsou is crying in his sleep, his once peaceful features now riddled with sadness. I panicked and started shaking him gently.

"Shi shi, please wake up! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask as I shake him until his unfocused indigo eyes open and looks at me with such pain in them that I faltered.

"K-kaminari?" He asks as he quickly sits up and wipes his face on his sleeves to hide the wetness. "W-why are you i-in my room?" He stuttered making sure not to look at me and to keep me from seeing his face.

"Last night I stayed here remember?" I asked then sat on the bed looking at him. I reached a hand out to wipe his tears but he flinched away. I then hugged him and he sighed deeply.

"Kami... you should just give up on me..." he said in a quiet voice as he turned his face away from me but I could feel the slight shaking of his shoulders, I knew he was either on the verge of or already crying. How could someone seemingly so cold have so much bundled emotions?

"Shi, I refuse to give up on you! Why in the world would I give up on you? You let me stay in your dorm when I was scared, you went to the movies with me when Mina dropped out on it, sure you have a rough exterior but shi, your amazing!" I tell him while squeezing his shoulders.

"... no one can know about this..." he started shifting to look at me head on. I nodded and he sighed. "Well .... let's just say I haven't had... the best experiences in life..." he said looking down. I stayed quiet not wanting to interrupt.

"Look... I have alot of... issues. That's why I was pushing you away. But..." he paused for a long time, seemingly trying to find the right words.

"I'm not going into specifics... but let's just say I'm running from ghosts. Ghosts that aren't leaving, and I dont want to drag others down with me." He said after a long silence. Oddly I could understand, when my parents started fighting I used to have nightmares about it and pretended to be okay even after they stopped and the nightmares had continued. But that's over now, over and gone. I escaped my ghost, Shinsou is in it's grasp.

"Shinsou, I will help you through this whether you like it or not!" I tell him and he lifts his face with a shocked expression that slowly shifts into a small smile.

Then a noise comes from his phone, it was a ringtone that sounded like a soft song. He turned off the alarm and stood up while stretching his arms above his head.

"Its time for school." He says simply so I nod and leave with an enthusiastic wave. I go into my room and get changed quickly before hurrying to class and meeting up with the Bakusquad.

Walls Are Made To Be Broken《Shinkami》 FINISHEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora