"Ugh, why am I doing this to myself?" Camila grumbles as she watches how much Lauren is beaming. How in love she really is.

"I'm super proud of her and all that she's accomplished this early in her career. I can't stop listening to her new album. I... I play it when I miss her most and yeah... she just makes me really happy-"

Camila then shuts her computer, unable to take it anymore. And it's pathetic since she's not exactly jealous of their relationship (at least not entirely) but the fact that she didn't even get a chance with Lauren herself. At least in her old life, where her Lauren had been single for all four years of college, she didn't need to worry about losing her best friend to some other girl.

Except for that one time when Lauren was kind of dating a girl named Madison Beer and Camila had slight jealousy, but only because the two of them planned to have a movie night and Lauren canceled last minute to go over to Madison's apartment. Now looking back on it, Lauren had actually sensed Camila feeling a little replaced and decided to just be friends with her almost girlfriend. She didn't want her best friend to ever feel like she was a second thought.

*knock knock knock*

"...Lauren?" Camila rolls over on her bed to face the pair of innocent green eyes looking back at her from the door. "Aren't you supposed to be having dinner with Madison?"

"Yeah, but... I told her I got sick," she takes off her sweatshirt and sits on the edge of the bed in the dim-lit room.

"Oh, are you?" Camila frowns.

"No," she shakes her head and moves closer so they lay side by side. "I just wanted to be with you tonight."

Camila, although wanting to be sympathetic, showed a slight smirk because it was just too darn cute. "How come?"

"Because I love you, Camz," Lauren says, causing Camila's smirk to grow into a wider smile. "You're my best friend."

"Aww, Lo." It almost makes the younger girl shed a tear as she's been missing some one on one time with her best friend since she's been with Madison a lot more lately. "I love you, too. And I missed you. A lot." Brown and green eyes get lost into each other for what seems like a million years. Just staring like they couldn't do anything else.

"I missed you a lot too, Camz," Lauren whispers and scoots closer to wrap her arms around Camila so that the smaller girl is nuzzled perfectly at her side, laying a chaste kiss on her forehead before combing through the silky, dark brunette hair -- one of Camila's favorite feelings. In return, the brown-eyed girl sneaks her hand under Lauren's shirt and rubs/scratches at the soft skin -- one of Lauren's favorite feelings. "How about we take the rest of the weekend and do something you wanna do or go somewhere you wanna go?"

Camila rolls her eyes with a smile, "C'mon, babe, it's always something I wanna do or somewhere I wanna go. How about we do something you want for a change? Please?"

She pouts adorably, "But I just wanna do whatever makes you happy, baby."

Camila can't help but lean up and kiss Lauren's precious little nose. "You have to stop being so sweet all the time. It's too adorable."

"I try to be a badass sometimes," she says in a serious tone.

"Yes, but a very cute badass," Camila chuckles as she would always laugh whenever Lauren attempts to be all cool and tough. In all honesty, the girl is a soft puppy and the only thing she'd be arrested for would be for being too sweet.

"I can have my moments," Lauren tries again.

"Keep telling yourself that, little dork."

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