Chapter 6: My Courage

Start from the beginning

"Han, you really should slow down and ask one thing at a time," Jinsol mumbled out. Her eyes drifted over to the clock hanging on their wall. So much time had passed since she last noticed, and her heart dropped. "A-Ah! I need to go!"

The 99-liner rushed over to the door, she could feel Haneul following close behind her. "Yah! You need to tell me how all this happened!"

Jinsol turned and gave Haneul a smack on the arm. "Sometimes you forget that I'm older than you, hmm! I'll... tell you later, okay? I'm late."

"Okay, okay, go! Have fun on your date with Kunhang!" She brightly beamed as she basically shoved Jinsol the rest of the way out of their dorm room. As annoyed as she was being pushed, Jinsol knew she had to go.

Jinsol took the bus to a stop that would be nearest to their meeting place.

Just as she stepped out, she just had to take a short walk over and she reached the coffee Kunhang told her about, Queen Kona's. She was impressed by the look of the building, as it had two floors for the cafe. Although pretty, Jinsol doesn't think there would ever be a shop that could replace Azalea's in her heart.

There he was, standing just outside its doors.

Kunhang must've felt her presence, as he picked up his gaze from his phone towards her. His mouth popped agape at the sight of her. Suddenly, she felt conscious of her appearance. It was quite the change from what she usually wore... Jinsol was used to Kunhang wearing certain items of clothing for her film project as he had to play the role of the perfect boyfriend, but perhaps, it was different for him.

"Hello, Kunhang, I'm sorry I'm late," Jinsol merely mumbled out as she reached his side.

"No, it's okay... you look beautiful."

The way Kunhang could just easily say that, it made Jinsol's heart flutter. "A-Ah, thank you." She turned to look at the cafe. She felt too shy to look at him now. "So, Queen Kona's? I heard about this place a couple times."

"You did? From who?"

"From Haneul and some other classmates," Jinsol replied with a hum. "I heard that some famous people have visited here. Soon enough, you'll be on that list of people, hmm?"

"I guess so."

The two walked into the cafe. It all felt familiar and no so familiar all at once. Jinsol and Kunhang visited cafes before, Azalea's specifically, for the project. This could be like any other hang out, but it wasn't. Everything about it was different.

Her feelings were different.

Jinsol peered around the interior of the cafe in awe. It brought both a somewhat mythical and homey vibe to it, it was everything any young adult would love spending time in. There were plenty of wooden tables and chairs that people could enjoy the cafe's drinks and sweets. Some were studying, others were chatting with friends. In one corner of the cafe were shelves filled with books and comics that customers could actually pick and read. And there, at the opposite side, was the stairway that lead to the second floor. Seeing how much people flocked inside, it must truly be a hot spot.

"Hello! How may I help you?" The employee at the counter asked the two 99-liners. Jinsol peered at the variety of drinks written on the menu. There was so much she would want to try.

"Just pick out whichever you lean more towards. We can visit here more in the future to try the others," Kunhang told the girl.

Jinsol beamed. "Then I'll have the iced caramel latte!"

"And I'll have a mango smoothie," Kunhang told the barista. Before Jinsol could notice, the boy already took out money to pay for their drinks.

As he handed the barista the money, Jinsol pouted at him. "I asked you to hangout today, I should've paid..."

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