He ran from her, muttering apologies while his eyes flashed a dangerous green. He ignored Lilo's pleas for him to come back.


Lilo abandoned her hula championship. She couldn't perform a hula about the power of friendship while she was leaving her best friend behind. Stitch needed her. Lilo would be there for him.

She ran into the woods behind the hula tournament. "Stitch! Come back!" Lilo couldn't see any sign of the tiny blue experiment. All that was there was Jumba and Pleakley. "Have you seen Stitch?"

"We thought he was with you." Jumba admitted, panicking now.

Nani and David raced over. They had watched Lilo leave the stage, with no explanation. "Lilo, baby, what happened?" Nani asked.

"I'm fine! Something's wrong with Stitch." Lilo explained. Nani and David's eyes widened in concern.

"It's not his fault. He's malfunctioning." Jumba explained. "And if we don't find him soon..." Jumba glanced over his shoulder, trying to spot Mahina. Only the little girl was gone with the fusion chamber. "Where did Mahina go?" He asked Pleakley.

Pleakley looked back. "She was just there a second ago!"


There are some advantages to knowing the future. Mahina had a year to prepare for Stitch's breakdown. She had been working tirelessly for a week on the life saving project. Though she could understand the need for dramatics, this was her ohana. Mahina wasn't going to risk his life over the drama of waiting until the last minute to save him.

That wasn't fair. It wasn't nice. Being among her ohana for a year had done wonders on reminding her of the wonders of kindness.

So no, she didn't tell Jumba and Pleakley that she was breaking from the pack to go chasing after Stitch. That she knew where he was going to be in his retreat, so she could cut him off on his path. She would make sure they could find her. Stitch was the priority, and she doubted they would be mad for long.

She found Stitch, glitching out in the woods.

"Stitch?" Mahina prompted.

Stitch flinched away from her. He held up three arms, the fourth stuck trying to sink back into his body. "No! Stay back! Stitch...Stitch bad!"

Mahina crouched down, holding up her palm towards Stitch. "Okay, okay. I'll stay back."

Stitch seemed to relax slightly at that. He was still curling on himself, trying to get his third arm back to sink back into himself. It wasn't going well. His antennae kept poking up from his head. In some tilts of his head, Mahina could see flashes of green. The same was true for his patches of light blue fur- the bright green beneath his skin shined brighter from them.

He needed help soon.

Mahina wasn't going to let him get hurt. Not anymore. She just...she had to be smart about this. "Your...badness...is getting worse, isn't it?"

Pitifully, Stitch nodded. He ran his claws over his head, trying to shake the 'badness' out. "Stitch wants to be good. Stitch...Stitch hurt Lilo."

"Oh." Mahina replied. "I'm so sorry, Stitch."

"Stitch might hurt ohana next. Stitch can't control it!" Stitch looked at his traitorous claws, the ones that had already hurt his best friend. "Stitch doesn't want to be bad."

Mahina nodded, understanding him. "Jumba can fix the badness." She explained.

Stitch shook his head.

Mahina Has A Glitch!Where stories live. Discover now