Family Fun Night

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"There's no way I can do this." Lilo decided.

Mahina almost replied with a confirmation. It was a near thing.

Just after Kumu had left, Lilo had dragged Stitch and Mahina off towards the treehouse. It had been built a couple months ago. If some days, when the sun went down, Mahina came over to complete more construction, then that was her problem.

It was a simple put up treehouse, not much decor. There were some pillows and a blanket, for late night stargazing. Lilo had brought some dolls up here, for various games she and Stitch would play. Mahina did have a notebook up here, when the treehouse was first built. She moved it back to her room before long.

Mahina had no idea why she was being included. It wasn't her hula class, nor was she that good at ideas involving creativity. To Mahina, Lilo should just head straight to her Elvis-searching so Mahina could work on her other projects. Or help Nani with Family Fun Night- it was a coin flip.

"Just because my mom was a great hula dancer doesn't mean I am." Lilo complained. "The only thing I know I inherited from her is, well, Nani."

"Yeuch!" Stitch gagged.

Mahina was letting her legs dangle over the edge of the treehouse.

"What if Mertle's right and everything I do is gonna be stinky?" Lilo wondered. Mahina looked up at the tree itself. How long had it been since she'd come to sit up here? Just...just sit up here and have a moment's peace? "Maybe l'm just stinky... like cheese."

"Nada chee." Stitch assured her.

Mahina spotted flowers on the tree. Pretty pink flowers that faded into a darker pink.

"But my mom was beautiful like an orchid and graceful like a wave. I'll never be like her." Lilo bemoaned. She stuck the picture with tape on the inside of the treehouse before sitting herself down beside Mahina.

Stitch looked at the picture, then his two friends, then up into the tree. He climbed up.

Mahina's shoe nearly fell off. She adjusted it back on, looking out on the area she was calling home. When she looked to Lilo, the girl now had a pink flower in her hair that matched her mother's.

Stitch was smiling overhead, clinging to a branch. He climbed down, grabbing a plate. (Lilo brought food sometimes- she got hungry and then forgot to bring the plates back, no biggie). He held up the shining plate, so Lilo could see herself.

She looked at her reflection, along with her mother's picture.

They did look a lot alike.

"You... you think I can do it?" Lilo asked him.

"We do together." Stitch promised.

"Let's win this thing." Lilo cheered. "Okey-"

"Dokey." Stitch agreed. He glanced to Mahina.

"Eh." Mahina nodded, smiling with a cheer she reminded herself to feel.

"Then let's get to it!" Lilo decided.


Lilo and Stitch has run off to their room. They didn't notice when Mahina stopped off by the kitchen first.

"Nani?" Mahina poked her head into the kitchen.

Nani jolted. She dropped the spoon she was stirring with into the bowl. "Mahina!" She yelped when she realized the spoon was sinking into the batter. "Oh no no no-" Nani reached for it, but it had already sunk. She didn't want to put her hands in the batter, there was dumpling dough all over her hands.

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