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Nani was called out to settle a problem with Lilo in hula class. Mahina saw her running outside, not even glancing to the living room. That was fine. Mahina wasn't done cleaning it yet.

Nani herself had been swept up in cleaning the kitchen. There had been a lot of dishes used by humans and aliens alike.

Mahina had mostly cleaned everything. She polished the coffee table once more before deciding to go into the kitchen. She spotted clean dishes put out on the counter, along with some food stuffs.

So Nani had finished cleaning. Now she was just working on Family Night food. Mahina could work with that. She walked up to the counter, climbing up on it. She could reach for cabinets much easier now.

The window to the porch had been left open. Mahina knew Nani would get lightheaded from some of the chemicals she used to clean. The Grandcouncilwoman would occasionally send 'care packages', on behalf of either the Council or Pleakley's family. The packages often contained alien foods and the like, ones that Pleakley or even Jumba would finish quickly. Nani found it hard to clean dishes of those substances, so Bubbles had sent a care package of his own with a dish soap that worked against the alien foods.

Point was, Mahina could hear everything that was going on outside.

And it filled her with delight.

She set about making another jug of lemonade, just listening.

"As you can see, there was a little disagreement... again." Teacher Kumu explained.

Mahina snickered as she poured sugar into a jug.

"Ai-ya." Nani groaned.

Mahina leaned towards the window to hear "Next time, flush the evidence."


She went back to the lemonade. Pleakley walked into the kitchen as she poured in a lemonade packet.

"Hello Mahina!" Pleakley greeted.

Mahina lowered the jug into the sink. "Hi Pleakley." She turned on the sink. "Want some lemonade?"

"Boy would I!" Pleakley grabbed the jug- Nani's finished jug- from the counter. He poured it down his throat.

Mahina watched, pulling out a long spoon. She went on stirring her new lemonade.

The front door opened. Mahina glanced towards it. Pleakley was still chugging the lemonade.

Nani paused in her entry. She looked around the cleaned kitchen. "Hold on- who cleaned in here?"

"I did!" Mahina called out.

Nani turned to the kitchen. Kumu leaned in. Mahina waved at him. Nani gently lead the guest away from the kitchen. "Make yourself at home, Kumu. I just made some lemonade."

Though she walked further into the kitchen to find her jug empty. More specifically, empty on Pleakley's head with him licking up every drop with his extra tongue.

"Wha..." Nani gawked.

"Hey Nani, we're out of lemonade." Pleakley cheered.

"Pleakley, I just made that." Nani whined.

"I made more!" Mahina lifted the heavy jug of lemonade from the sink. She placed it down on the counter before crawling towards the cupboards for glasses.

"Mahina!" Jumba shouted as he stomped into the kitchen. His feet were caked in mud, tracking from the hallway.

Mahina yelped, tossing the glass into the air. She caught it before it went too far. It would've been bad if she dropped it. A piece of glass couldn't gone in the lemonade!

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