Chapter 1

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I sat here in the moving train, my head on the glass window, my breathing hitching with the reality of the situation. I close my eyes, trying to breathe just for a second as I go back to that moment when my whole world changed forever…

 C’mon, c’mon, c’mon…

  “Okay here it is!” The man said over the radio, as Live While We’re Young comes on.

  My throat closed, as I dialed the number to the station.

  A few rings and I had won a trip to NYC to meet One Direction.

  I remember walking downstairs, the world around me spinning, finding my dad, and telling him I had won. That I got to meet those boys on the stairs.

  He picked up the phone, and talked with the man on the other hand to get all the details.

  I, meanwhile, went up to my room speechless. I was going to meet them, in all their angelic perfection. I laid down on my bed, and just stared at my ceiling, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

  Harry with his curls, Niall with his laugh, Louis with his sassyness, Zayn with his… Zayn-ness, Liam with his likeable innocence…

  These boys, my world, my universe, my reason to be, would be standing in front of me.

  But that had been months ago. It was now December and I was on a train with my older sister on my way to New York City. It was cold, and I knew it was going to be snowing when I got there. But that was okay; I enjoyed the snow. 

   My breathing slowly went back to normal as the minutes passed, and I got closer and closer to the boys. My friends were blowing up my phone with texts, but I wasn’t ready to talk to them. I knew most of them wanted to use me just for the boys. What a sad, sad thing.

  From Ali: hey girl, are you almost there?!

See, that right there was one of my real friends texting me. I smiled at my phone, but didn’t respond. I wasn’t really in the mood.

  From Gracie: r u there yet? have u met the boys?

Now that girl, was not a real friend. She was honestly one of the meanest people I had ever met, yet I was firm in my decision to stay nice to her. Because that’s what people do.

  I put my phone away, and turned to my sister who was texting someone.

  “I’m nervous.” I said, my voice shaking a bit.

“Why? Their just a bunch of teenage boys.” She said, not looking up from her phone.

  I shook my head at her. She would never get it.

  I let my mind wonder, until I felt the train stop. 

  I clutched at Amelia as it was our stop, and we had to go. 

“C’mon, get the stuff.” She said.

Before I knew it I was outside the train station, looking for the person who would be picking us up. I would be meeting the boys today. I couldn’t breathe. 

  ‘Just act cool. Just relax, everything is fine.’ I told myself. But I wanted to scream.

  I was going to meet the beautiful Irish boy who’s laugh made me want to laugh too, even on the darkest of days.

  The curly haired boy who’s stare could stop my heart.

  The sassy boy who made me brave enough to stand up to people.

  The quiet boy who taught me how to love myself more.

  The innocent boy who taught me to appreciate life a little more, because you don’t know when it could end. 

 These were the boys I was in love with. The boys I would meet in just a few hours.

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