Shaking his head, Gerard cleared his throat, going back to the drawing. "You know," He tried to keep his tone level, "If you gridded it, it would be easier."

Sighing, Frank fixed his stare on Gerard's veiny hands, watching as he effortlessly sketched what Frank couldn't. "I know, I did it with the others."

"You couldn't be bothered doing it this time?"

"Nope." He popped the 'p'. He tiled his head, shuffling closer to get a better view of what Gerard was doing. "You're really good at art." He murmured, that fluttery feeling flaring in his chest when their shoulders touched and Gerard's tangled hair tickled his cheek.

"I should hope so." Gerard chuckled. "I am an art teacher."

"Yeah," Frank sighed deeply. "You're a teacher."

Just as Gerard opened his mouth to answer, the doors swung open, a crowd of girls emerging. Their heads snapped up at the same time, both wondering what was happening.

"Hello." Gerard furrowed his brows.

Anxiety weaved its way in to Frank's mind and he moved away, keeping his head down as he pretended he was engulfed in his assignment. Hopefully, they'd leave soon. He hated being around other people; they just made his self-consciousness soar, including the constant worry that they were judging him.

"Can we stay behind to catch up on our art?" One of the girls spoke up, placing her handbag on the table next to where they were sat.

No. Frank immediately thought.

"Sure." Gerard returned the pencil he'd been using, abandoning Frank to get all of the girl's folders down from the shelf.


If he was fortunate, they wouldn't stay long –he prayed they wouldn't stay long. Even if they left at half four, allowing themselves forty five minutes, he and Gerard would only get half an hour alone. Frank knew how selfish, and probably pathetic, he was being, but he didn't exactly care.

Gerard disappeared for a good twenty minutes, helping each individual with their assignment before he came back. Frank stared at him as he took a chair beside him again. "I hope they don't think this is an afterschool club." He seethed quietly.

"Frank," Gerard rolled his eyes, though he understood his worry. "I can't stop them from coming."

"You can." He grinned cheekily. "It'd just be rude."


"At least ask them to quieten down?" He swallowed the lump in his throat, becoming more and more uncomfortable in their presence.

"Of course."


At last, after what seemed like ages, they left. It'd been a bit later than Frank had anticipated, and they'd stayed until ten to five –mostly chatting and ignoring what they were supposed to be doing.

Frank had been listening to music through his headphones, which had been embarrassing when he'd switched it on because it announced, very loudly, "power on." Frank's face had burned bright red and it was all he thought about the entire time.

To add to his dreary day, Gerard had spent the entire duration with the girls; basically doing their work for them. Gerard wasn't stupid and he knew they were making excuses as to why they couldn't do it and why they needed help, but he did it anyway. It'd been a lot easier than if he'd chosen to argue with them. Plus, Gerard was too kind for his own good.

The second they left, Frank let out a deep breath, relaxing, slouching in his chair as he removed his headphones. "Thank God." He muttered.

"Glad?" Gerard guessed, tidying away their folders that they'd carelessly strewn out.

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