Chapter Four

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The feast was a lavish affair that showed no sign of winding down, the King deep in his cups after delivering his announcement that the Queen carried a child to the court. Though the Queen had been showing for months even in her frumpy dresses, it was only announced this late in Catherine's pregnancy for fear that the babe would not survive.

Alas, Thomas Boleyn's prayers that the Queen would miscarry were unmet, and with only two moons until she reached full term, Catherine and her babe were in good health.

Despite her age, pregnancy suited Catherine. Her once tired and aging face now glowed, a small smile constantly on her lips. And why should she not be happy? Anne thought bitterly, watching the Queen place a hand on her swollen belly as she sat beside her husband on her throne, her head held high and proud as courtiers who had once flocked to Anne's side for her favor now returned to the Queen's on the slight chance that the woman would give Henry and England their much desired Prince.

For the first time since arriving at court, Anne could see the woman that Henry fell in love with when he was first crowned King all of those years ago and fought to have her as his wife.

He loves me , Anne reminded herself, feeling completely hopeless at George's side as the King turned to his wife with a joyful smile upon his lips and leant over to speak to her.

"For the love of God Anne, smile," George hissed in her ear, his hand gripping her wrist painfully, though Anne barely noticed for her eyes remained on the royal couple as the King -her beloved Henry who claimed to love her above all others- gently laid his hand upon Catherine's belly, his lips curled into a gentle smile as he felt his son kick.

Her lips trembled, tears pricked her eyes, and if she was anyone else but the Lady Anne Boleyn, the woman who an entire country cursed calling her witch and whore, Anne would have succumbed to her tears and fled to her rooms to nurse her broken heart. Instead Anne pursed her lips until they stopped trembling and stubbornly blinked away her tears just as she met Queen Catherine's eyes.

Anne would not forget the look upon her face until the day she died.

Catherine smirked, certain that she had won, her eyes hard and hateful as they looked upon the younger woman who wished to replace her. All the woman had to do was deliver a healthy child. A son would secure Catherine's position, and even a daughter would help her cause. With two daughters, Henry would have a much harder time divorcing her.

Anger swept through Anne as the King remained oblivious, his attention fixed upon his much desired son as his cow of a wife glowered down at her. Oh how she wished to be in that woman's place! To have Henry's child growing in her belly as he proudly rested his hand upon her for everyone to see-

Instead she was forced to suffer in silence as he fawned over the old cow and had yet to spare Anne a glance all night.

He loves me , she stubbornly reminded herself yet again as she pushed aside her bitterness.

Anne smiled back, a beautiful, vicious twist of her lips. You have not yet won, Your Majesty. Our game is not over until the child in your belly lets out his first cry.

Catherine looked away first as Henry claimed her attention once more, and Anne had had enough. Wrenching her wrist away from George with a withering glare, Anne turned to Mark with a coy smile. "This entire affair bores me, dearest Mark. Lets make our own entertainment for the rest of the night."

Mark shot George a meaningful look, and she realised that Mark and her brother already had plans. Despite her suspicions of the exact nature of their relationship, Anne pushed her fears and worries aside. George's choices were his own after all, but Anne would not hesitate to use them to her own advantage when the time came for it. George had chosen to set Anne's wants and needs aside for his own gain, and she would do exactly the same now he had chosen who his loyalty belonged to.

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