Chapter Eight

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They were taking breakfast together when news came that Catherine was in labor.

"Stay with me," Henry pleaded softly once they were alone, his voice unsure and frightened. Anne met his gaze, a refusal on the tip of her tongue but something made her pause. How many times had he been told this only for it all to end in disappointment?

If Henry got his much desired son, then was this to be the last time they spent time together? In his gratitude would Henry grant Catherine's demand that he banish her from court?

So Anne gave a curt nod and averted her eyes to her plate to hide her tears. A sigh came from the stoic man next to her, his hand gently cupped her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. "I love you," said Henry, his eyes willing her to believe him, to not leave him now, ever-

"As I love you," Anne breathed, leaning into his touch gratefully, as he leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss upon her lips.

Anne shifted against him until she was pressed against his side, all the while wondering how she could possibly survive losing him.

She was a fool to love him, plain and simple.

Perhaps she will even die and then Henry and I can both have what we desire-

Anne scolded herself, sickened by her thoughts. Catherine may have everything that Anne desired and Anne hated her for it, but she could not wish the woman dead. She would not be like her family, wishing death on a woman for their own gain.

And yet she could not bear it if she lost Henry. Not King Henry, the powerful man who ruled England and beloved by his people. No, she could not survive losing the man, the one who loved her above all others, who held her close to his chest and would marry her in a heartbeat if only he could-

It took hours. They did nothing but sit in silence, each wrapped in their own thoughts and hopes and-

A knock sounded at the door.

Henry shot her a long look and Anne curled her trembling hands into fists as he bid them entrance. Anne knew before Brandon even uttered the words that she would never call Henry her husband. She would never be his Queen or be the mother of his son-

Brandon spared Anne a glance before he smiled brilliantly at his friend and proudly said, "You have a son, Your Majesty."


Anne's breath left her in a rush as a disbelieving laugh erupted from Henry's throat. A smile unlike any she had seen bloomed on his face as he hugged his oldest friend. "A son, Charles, at long last!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty," Brandon said warmly as the King stepped away from him.

"And what of my wife?"

My wife-

Brandon's eyes met Anne's, his gaze true and steady as she blinked back tears. Something like pity flashed across his face but it vanished as he looked back at Henry, a smile fixed upon his face once more. "Her Majesty is well, though the physician said that the birth was hard on her-"

Unable to bear it any longer, Anne fled, ignoring Henry as he called after her far too late.


Henry named his long awaited son Edward and it was said that the smile upon his face could not be diminished.

Anne did not leave her quarters for days. She could not paint a smile on her lips and pretend that all was well between them when her beloved was at his happiest and she felt as though her heart had been torn from her chest.

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