Chapter Ten: The PBS Strikes

Start from the beginning

"Oh, and Mister Evans?"

I turned around to see Dumbledore standing with a look of pride on his face "One hundred points to Slytherin."

"Thank you, sir!" I said excitedly "But, whatever for?"

"I am not sure who or what caused the professor such harm, but your quick thinking and desire for knowledge saved him from certain death. You have shown great ambition and are in need of a much deserved reward."

I smiled wide, "Thank you, sir. I was only doing what I felt to be the right thing."

I went down the staircase back to the main halls to find Mallory in a panic. "There you are!" she exclaimed, grabbing my wrist tightly and pulling me down the corridor. "Trent is in trouble, we need to go, now!" we ran down the hallways and into courtyard where we saw a large group of students standing in a circle. We heard Trent's cries of agony coming from the center of the circle; a high pitched laughter accompanying it

"Dance, little mudblood, dance!" a sixth year Hufflepuff dressed in a PBS uniform said as she waved her wand above Trent. He was laying on his back, his arms pinned down to his sides. He levitated off the ground and began to flail his arms in the air. "Now suffer!" she pointed her wand and mouthed a word. Trent screamed in pain, clutching his chest with both hands.

I pushed my way through the circle and stood in front of Trent, pulling my wand from my robes, "What the hell are you doing to him?!"

The girl scoffed "Out of the way, mudlover!" she pointed her wand at me "Rictus-" she began

"Expelliarmus!" I shouted, knocking her wand out of her hands and onto the ground. I got down next to Trent who was seizing up "What did she cast on you?!"

"I..I don't.." he struggled to respond through screams of agonizing pain. I turned around to see the girl grabbing her wand from the grass and spinning back towards me "Big mistake, Evans!"

"Who are you? What are you doing to Trent?" I said in a stern tone before standing up and pointing my wand directly at her

"I'm Selena Boeing and your mudblood friend isn't welcome here. If you'd get out of my way, I could finish him off. Now, move!"

I stood my ground, protecting Trent who was still lying on the concrete. "You're not going to touch him!"

"Suit yourself," she turned her wand on me "Flipendo!"

I was thrown backwards hard on the concrete, my wand hitting Trent in the face. I scrambled to get back to my feet, holding my wand tightly above my head "Incendio!" a blast of fire exploded from the end of my wand and hit Selena square in the face. Her hair started to singe and burn as she frantically patted it out. Mallory raced from inside the crowd and got down next to Trent, attempting to protect him from further harm. "Leave him alone!" she cried out

"Oh, how sweet. Your little mudlover girlfriend is going to protect you, aye, Trent?" Selena's eyes narrowed as she aimed her wand at Mallory "Move out of the way, little girl."

With Selena distracted, I took a deep breath and steered my gaze straight at her "Expelliarmus!" her wand again shot out of her hands and into the crowd. I shoved onlookers out of the way as I ran over to where her wand landed, grabbing it in my hands and tucking it into my robes.

"Give that back!" she yelled, making her way over to me

"You're not getting this back. I'm going straight to professor McGonagall and telling her what you just did!"

I turned and darted out of the courtyard and back into the halls. I kept running, taking corners sharply and weaving my way in and out of students. As I turned the corner towards Gryffindor tower, I saw professor McGonagall walking down the staircase. I sped up and called out her name. She turned around, her eyes widened as I approached her.

Oliver Evans is The Prodigy of the Heart (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now