“I’m sure he will.” Damian chuckles. “Should I let him in?”

“I’ll take it to him.” Enya gets up from her chair and hurries out of her room into the workshop and hurries to the door. “Hey Soren, if you’re still out there I have your present!”

“Do I need to close my eyes?” The teen asks from the other side. "Because I am covering them right now!"

Enya open the door to find her friend outside with an arm covering his face. "Yeah, you should." She laughs as she steps outside and holds the cloak behind her back. "Okay, you want to see it now?"


"Then...open them!"

Soren removes his arm from his face and looks down to see Enya holding a folded piece of black cloth. "Ah... what's this? Not to be rude!"

"Unfold it." She instructed.

Soren carefully removes the cloth from her hands and unfolds it, gasping when he sees what it is. "Is this a cloak?!"

“It is! A present for you since you are now officially part of the crownguard!” Enya stated proudly. “Worked relentlessly on this for two days!”

“And she refused to sleep!” They heard Damian yell from inside the house.

Now Soren could see the somewhat dark circles under her eyes, and he felt his heart swell a bit. Enya poured all her time and effort into a single cape just for him, ignoring the fact that she had to sleep just to finish it and present it to him.

"I think this is going to be the best gift you ever made me, and I'm never taking it off!" He announced as he unfolded the cloak. "I'll go ask my sister to help me pin this on, you missy need to get some sleep."

"I'm not tired!" Enya protests as her father came to the door. Soren immediately shakes his head and hands the cloak over to Damian before suddenly scooping Enya up bridal style and entered the workshop. "Hey! Put me down!"

"Off to bed with you! No more staying up to see things!"

"Again, I'm not tired!"

"Oh you kids." Damian chuckles to himself as he watched his daughter get carried back to her room. "Seriously, just start dating already."


"You really like that cape don't you?" Enya laughs as she and Soren were walking through the village streets carrying a basket of pastries between them from the bakery to take back to the castle. “Every day I see you, you have it pinned on.”

“Well goes to show how much I appreciate your craft.” Soren responds with a chuckle. “So, you’re already eighteen, what are you going to do with your life?”

“Live it the best I can, work hard, you know how it is with me.”

“Looks like it’s gonna rain, that’d be pretty sad to happen on your birthday.”

Enya glances up to see the grey clouds overhead already looking darker by the minute. “Oh, we should hurry then, can’t get these pastries soaked.”

"You know what would be funny?" Soren asks as they started to walk a bit faster. "If the rain came right down on us right now."

There was a loud clap of thunder and the next thing Enya knew, her whole dress was soaked.

"You jinxed it you doofus!" She yelled, quickly trying to remove her apron to cover the basket. As she was doing so, she felt the water stop hitting her and looked up to see a familiar cloak hover her. "Wait you-" 

"Can't let the birthday girl get sick on me now, that's bad luck!" Soren stated as he carefully unclasped the cloak from his armor and drapes it over his friend. "Come on, let's get home before these pastries get ruined."


"You really are an idiot." Enya sighed as she scooped up a spoonful of broth from the bowl. "I told you to cover yourself too!"

"Worth it." Soren croaked before letting her put the spoon into his mouth and swallowed the warm broth. "Totally worth it."

"Getting sick after my birthday because you wanted to keep me dry, your dad must have been quite happy." Enya muttered as she got another spoonful of broth.

"Nah, he got a bit concerned when I wouldn't stop sneezing during the festivities and started complaining about having a headache last night." Soren responds with a shrug. "At least you're better at this, Claudia insisted on making me a potion to make me better and I had to decline. And at least dad stopped her too."

"A good thing too, there are just some things dark magic can't cure or beat than some of my family's Sick Soup."

Soren gave a small laugh before letting her give him another spoon of broth. He always liked it when Enya and her father made a special soup to give to whoever was feeling unwell, whether it was if someone was suffering from the flu, or a simple cold. There were some occasions where he and Claudia had gotten sick and Enya would immediately bring a bowl full of that delicious soup filled with boiled vegetables and chicken broth with some seasoning, even king Harrow and the princes were given a bowl when they got sick at the same time one year. It was nice that Enya had decided to take some time from her work to make him the soup and insisted on being the one to nurse him back to health.

"It's my fault he got sick, I ought to fix this." He heard her tell his father when she came to his room.

"So, am I still an idiot for keeping you from getting sick and enjoying your party with partially wet pastries?"

"Yes." Enya responds, rolling her eyes, but he could see a smile on the corner of her lips. "But you're my idiot, and for that I am glad that you at least tried to keep my birthday from being spoiled by a little rain. Now, finish your soup."

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