Chapter 12 - New Faces

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I walk into the gates with my new found confidence and head to reception to pick up my timetable. It will be good to meet new people, I'm slightly nervous about what they'll think of me though.

I find my timetable simply on the desk next to a note:
Timetable for new student, Olivia Ward. Please just take it and head to class. Good luck on your first day!!

I snatch up the schedule and study it. Seeing that my first class is registration in B14. I quickly ask the woman at the desk. "Could you direct me to this room please?"
"Of course, it's down the hall, up the stairs and the 6th door on your left."
I thank her and go to the room, quickly double checking that it's the right one.

When I enter the room I am greeted by an extremely miserable looking class. The room has four rows of tables, on each one sits two people, looking extremely glum. Staring into their phone screens.

Awkwardly, I search for a spare seat and find one in the back corner next to a guy who seems to be enjoying a conversation with his twin brother across the room, they must be the only happy people in the class.

I walk over to him "is this seat taken?" "Nah, come sit." He gestures for me to sit down next to him and I obey. I take the seat and unpack my things.

"So, you must be Olivia?" He says as my phone starts to ring. I see it's my dad and quickly decline. "Yeah, that's me" I say quickly putting my phone down. The guy furrows his brows.
"Aren't you gonna take that? Class doesn't start for another 10 minutes." He says.
"No. It's just my dad. I can call him back later." I say. "So what's your name?" I ask him, quickly changing the subject.
"Isaac" he says proudly "Isaac Bell"
"Well, Isaac, its very nice too meet you!" I say in a jokey tone holding out my hand for him to shake. "It's nice to meet you too" he says with a slight giggle. As the bell rings, the once glum class, put away their phones and sit up straight, waiting for the form tutor.

I see Isaac look over to his brother. Who is imitating the rest of the class, sitting up with his shoulders back and chin high. I can't help but let out a small laugh. "That's my brother, Elijah." Isaac explains. "But you seem cool so he'll probably let you call him Eli." He explains. I nod as I see the form tutor enter.

He walks in and says "sup ya little weasels" I see Eli and Isaac laugh to each other. His shirt is bright pink and he is wearing spotty yellow trousers with a tie shoved around his neck. He clearly doesn't care about his looks.

He looks over at me and Isaac "Ding dong number two, I see you've met the new kid" he says to Isaac with a wink. Ding dong? Is that because his surname's Bell? I let out a small chuckle. I see him roll his eyes as he says "yup" I hear a laugh from the other side of the room and turn to see Eli almost pissing himself. "What do ya think you're laughing at ding dong number 1?!" The form tutor said, before turning to me. "New Kid. Hi. I'm Mr Brown. You're Olivia. Now known as Olive tree. I hate my job" Isaac is nearly crying with laughter next to me at the nickname. Olive tree? Is this guy serious? "Why don't you tell this boring lot your story?" Mr Brown says.

What? My story? I'm honestly not sure what I want to tell these people. I mean, the twins seem cool. But I only met them ten minutes ago. And I swear the rest of the class just sit in silence. I don't think I would trust them with anything. Ever. I decide quickly how much I want to tell them.

"Well, I was homeschooled my whole life. Then some shit happened that I'm not gonna go into and I ended up in a coma for two months. Then some more shit happened and now I'm here." Fuck, I really don't wanna tell anyone about anything do I? I'm shocked I even told them about my coma.

Mr Brown looks at me strangely. "Is that all you're gonna give us? No epic romance? How'd you get in a coma? What was it like? It's a safe space here. Everyone knows everything about everyone." I look over at Isaac, who nods, confirming that everyone knows all his secrets. I sigh. I may as well get it over with. I tell the story, extremely quickly, making sure to leave out any details about my father.

"Well... it's a long story but, I was homeschooled and I used to do all of my work with my friend Billie. We were really close. We used to write songs after school and record them. Last year, her song 'Ocean eyes' blew up on soundcloud. She completely abandoned me, going off to meetings and interviews all the time. Basically, a few months passed and she texted me asking to meet up and because I'm a weak, stupid person, I said yes. Long story short she didn't show. I got angry and leaked our private songs online, they went viral. Then I felt extremely guilty. And -"
I sigh again. "Do I have to tell you this part?"
"Yep!" Mr Brown says, enjoying the story.
"Well, I - ummm." I gesture to my faded scars. "Did that, then I woke up. After being in a coma for two months, like I told you, and then Billie visited me in hospital and came out to me as gay then we kissed. We became official. Then, like a few weeks later, she surprised me saying that I was going on tour with her. But that didn't happen." I stopped. They don't need to know anything else.
"Don't stop there!!" Eli says from across the room. The rest of the class seem to want me to continue aswell. They're really creeping me out

I carry on,
"Her brother, Finneas, started being weird. So I went over to talk to him. Then he tried to kiss me, I shouted at him and stormed out."
"Oof" Isaac says next to me. I roll my eyes.
"The next day, I asked Billie to come over to mine so I could explain what had happened. When she got there she was yelling at me. Finneas had told her that I tried to kiss him. We broke up. And basically remembering being with her stopped me from being able to face my house so I said I wanted to go to public school to move on. And here I am, long story short, don't be bisexual. It sucks" Isaac looks at me.
"Fucking hell, I thought my life was shit" he says.
"Language ding dong number 2" Mr Brown says with a grin on his face.

"That's the fastest I've heard anyone speak in my entire life." I hear a voice say from the other back corner of the classroom. I look to my left and match the voice to it's owner: a girl wearing minimal clothing, probably breaking every rule in the book, with blonde hair. I see the twins roll their eyes in unison.

"I enjoyed your story, Olivia. What did you and Billie get up to in your relationship?" She winks. "Is she hot?"
What the fuck is her deal? "Well-" I say, hoping for someone to get me out of this.
"Get the fuck out Tana. Nobody wants any of your crap." Eli says, sounding extremely agitated. I mouth to him from across the room, thank you. At least someone has my back.

The bell sounds and we all head to first period.

Okay so I feel like the entire story has just been extremely fast paced so I'm going to try and slow it right down and put a lot more detail and length into each chapter.

I also think I've found someone to cast as Olivia, but I'm still open to suggestions because there aren't any links between Billie and who I chose and I'd like to maybe put some selfies or just photos of them together later on in the story.

Make sure you give me all of your hate through my Instagram @billie.eyelash.duh. I know you probably have a lot of it. 😂

Honestly, feedback does really help me though and I would really appreciate it if you could give me some ideas on how to improve. Thanks 🙏🏻
Thea 💕

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