Chapter 9 - The Aftermath

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I didn't sleep that night. All I could do was think about what happened with Finneas.

Why the fuck did he do that? Well at least I knew why he was being so rude now. How the fuck did I not notice. The thought of him feeling that way about me scared me.

What if he tries to break me and Billie apart? That question circled my head all night. I cried a lot. I stared at a lot of sharp objects in my room. I didn't do anything. I guess it was because I knew what had happened to Billie last time. At two in the morning, I decided I had to call her.

She answered almost instantly, she must have known something was wrong if I was calling at this hour.

"Hey what's up?!" She asked quite casually to say it was so early. She sounded so happy, I didn't want to ruin that. Knowing she's happy gives me a reason to try to be.

"Well, um ..." I mumbled. Maybe this wasn't the best idea.
"Go on..." she said softly. I didn't want to put this on her. But I had to tell her, before he did.
"Um, have you spoken to Finneas?" I managed to say. Why was this so hard? "No, why?" Billie replied.
"I- I was just wondering if you'd tried to sort anything out with him. You'll be performing with him in 3 days"

I just didn't tell her. What. The fuck. Was I doing.  I should have told her. I should've explained everything. There and then.
"Come on, I know you wouldn't call at 2am for that. You love your sleep" Billie said. Fuck. Why did she know me so well? "I also saw you leaving my house earlier. I thought nothing of it then, I assumed you'd been looking for me. Did you talk to him?" She asked.

This isn't how I wanted to tell her. I wanted to do it face to face, so I could comfort her. This would be hard for her too. Probably harder than it was for me. I mean, her brother likes her girlfriend. She's going to need help getting through that. "Can we talk in the morning? I don't want to do this over the phone"
"You called me first" she said. "I never forced you into anything."

And it was true. I was running away from the situation.
"I needed to hear your voice. It makes me feel good." I said. Which wasn't a lie.
"Ok" she said. "Now get some sleep or you'll be a right mess when I see you tomorrow." I almost smiled. She was so good at comforting me.
"Ok. Come to mine at 10?"
"Sorted" she said and hung up.

The next morning, at 10am, I was ready for Billie to come over. I knew she would be late. She always was. But when she arrived, it was way later than usual.

She stormed in ferociously. She seemed extremely mad. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO WITH MY BROTHER?!" She yelled. "HE JUST TOLD ME THAT YOU KISSED HIM." I froze. Finneas had crossed the line more than once now. In only 24 hours, he had made me cry multiple times. This being another of them. "Billie I-" she cut me off
"YOU WHAT, OLIVIA? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK CAN GET YOU OUT OF THIS?" What could I do? I leaned against the wall, barely able to stand. Tears fell to the ground.
"That's not what happened." I managed to say, through all the pain.
"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED THEN?! YOU DIDN'T KISS HIM? DID YOU DO MORE?" She was crying as well, but she was so angry that I don't think she knew what to think. Or who to believe.

I shook my head. "WHAT HAPPENED THEN?" She yelled. She was scaring me now. I'd never seen her like this before.
"I went over to try and work out why he was being weird with us. I was angry with him. I shouted at him."
"AND THE FUCKING KISS? YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT'S ALL THAT HAPPENED. MY BROTHER WOULDN'T LIE!" I sunk to the floor, knowing he had done just that. Lied. "He told me that he visited me in hospital. That he kept going back and that he just sat there with me in silence."
"Sounds like the perfect love story to me." Billie said under her breath. She actually thought I had kissed Finneas.
Billie looked at me with disappointment. "I love you" she whispered "And I thought you loved me back" she left the house, slamming the door behind her.

I collapsed. I couldn't cope. What happened? Was that it? Did Finneas really break us apart so easily? My life flashed before my eyes. The world was spinning violently. I closed my eyes. Never wanting to open them again.

So I really didn't want to do this but it was the only way for my next idea to work and to link the whole story back to the start. Please vote and comment what you think will happen next,
Thea 💕

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