chapter 14

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"I love you."

Mark wants to tape his mouth shut. He shouldn't have said that, he shouldn't have said that, he shouldn't have said—

"I love you too." Scott smiles. "Baby, you look so nervous," he says.

"I just—I didn't mean for that to come out, yet, is all," Mark says, "I mean, I definitely feel it. I do love you, it's just—I didn't think that you loved me."

"Marky," Scott starts, "I stopped dating in high school because I thought it wasn't for me. I thought that there was nobody for me."

Mark nods.

"Then I met you, Mark. And I came out, and I made you mine, and I'm the happiest I've been in a long ass time. I love you." He smiles.

Mark smiles, and Scott's heart just about stops. It always does when Mark smiles. "I love you, Scotty." He grabs Scott's hand. "I'm getting tired. Can we head back to your place?"

Scott nods, and they leave the party.

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