chapter 13

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It's New Year's Eve.

They're all at some party. Nobody really knows who's throwing it.

"Have you seen Mark?" Scott asks, making his way through the crowd.

"Sorry, Scott! I haven't!" Rachel says. "Maybe he's getting some food?"

Mark leaves the kitchen. "Has anyone seen Scott?"

Kirstin looks around. "I don't know, Mark. Sorry!"

Scott knocks on a bedroom door quickly before opening it, only to see Mitch and Brett frantically putting clothes on, and only to hear Brett say "You didn't lock the door?"

"I'm sorry!" Scott says, shutting the door. He really needs to wait on a response after he knocks.

"Did you walk in on someone?" Matt asks.

"Mitch and Brett," Scott nods.

Matt can't help but laugh. "Did you see anything?"

"Thank god, no." Scott says. "Do you know where Mark is?"

"Sorry, dude." Matt shrugs. "It's only 2 minutes till. You better find him."

"There you are," Mark says, smiling. "I was gonna look for you in the bedroom," he wraps his arms around Scott's waist.

"Don't go in there." Scott says, and Matt laughs.

"Did you walk in on someone?" Mark laughs.

Scott nods.

"Aww," Mark chuckles, "That's never fun." He laughs again.

"One minute!" Someone yells.

"Alright, you guys have fun," Matt says, before meeting up with some of his friends.

"I kind of don't want to wait a minute to kiss you," Mark says, smiling.

"Who says you have to?" Scott asks.

"I feel like I do. Morally."

"Well, we're at about 30 seconds so now you have to wait," Scott says.

The rest of the countdown goes by agonizingly slow, and when it ends, they eagerly close the gap between them.

Scott smiles as they kiss. He can't help it.

"Happy new year, baby," Mark says, after they pull apart.

"Happy new year, Marky," Scott says, kissing Mark's forehead.

"I love you."

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