Chapter 5: Worldwide Girl

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"I'm in." Carlos replies.

"Count me in." James smiles.

"Movie it is!" Kendall says. "What are we watching?"

"Um, I don't know." Logan replies.

"Well then. What do you guys usually watch?" I ask.

"Um, random movies." Kendall replies.

Then I got an idea. "Can we watch Big Time Movie? I absolutely love that movie."

"Sure! But the problem is, we don't have the movie with us." Logan says.

"Don't worry. I have it. Along with episodes from your TV shows." I smile.

James smiles. "Great! Let's watch the movie!"

We all sit on the couch, floor, wherever and start watching the movie and Big Time Rush episodes. Time flies past and soon we're at Las Vegas. I look at the time and it was 2:00 in the afternoon. Their concert wasn't until 7:00 in the evening.

"What do you guys do when you get here early? Just reherse your songs?" I ask.

"Well, first, we check in at a hotel. Then we reherse our songs and have fun until the concert." Carlos says.

"Oh." I reply.

We get out of the tour bus and walk a little to a hotel. When we got to the hotel, there were so many fans outside the hotel. Security was everywhere. After the guys signed some things and took picture with their fans, Kendall went in and got everyone checked in. We went on the elevator to the 6th floor and got to the room.

"Wait. We only have two rooms. What about you little sister?" Kendall asks.

"Hey. She can sleep with me." James smiles.

"No. That is an absolute no." Kendall replies.

"Why not?" James asks.

"Because I said so. Carlos and Logan here's your key. The rooms are connected so it wouldn't matter, but here." Kendall says, handing Carlos the key.

Carlos gets the key and slides it. The door opens and Carlos and Logan both go in. Kendall slides the key in and it opens the other room. We go in. Then I spotted a couch.

"I can sleep on the couch." I tell Kendall.

"No. If anything you are sleeping on the bed. I'm sleeping on the couch. I'm used to it anyways." Kendall replies.

"But...." I start to argue.

"Jess, just leave it." Kendall smiles.

"Fine." I reply.

Kendall just smiles at me and I stick my tongue at him.

James's POV:

Urgh. Part of me was so annoyed at Kendall. Such an overprotective brother. It's not like I will do anything bad to Jessica. Why would I? Like seriously? But then again, part of me understood Kendall. Jessica was lucky to have such a protective brother like Kendall, even though she may not know it. I loved Jessica. Why would I do anything bad to her? Time passes by really quick when you're having fun and soon it was 6:00. It was an hour before the concert. The guys, Jessica and me all went down to the stage and we started to get ready in our dressing rooms. Soon it was 6:40 and we started just hanging out and talking until it was time for us to go on stage.

"Wow. You guys look amazing." Jessica smiles at us.

"Thanks little sister." Kendall replies.

"Thanks babe." I smile.

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