5. I Miss The Old You

Start from the beginning

"You do have some nerve to show your face around here." She admitted, still not convinced that Gary meant well, "There's three ex serpents here that have been treated horribly by your gang, so I suggest you tread carefully." Dawn said sternly, as Gary sweatdropped, "Berlitz, you have no need to go into protective captain mode on me - I mean no harm, honestly!" He ensured her, "Good." The girl replied, before walking away to sit back by the bonfire.

Dawn took a seat between Serena and Iris, as Gary too came and sat down in a free spot. Serena leant closer to Dawn, to talk quietly. "If he's staying here, I'm gonna need a drink." She admitted, causing Dawn to laugh. "Want anything?" She asked as Dawn shook her head, "Nah, not yet." She replied.

Serena left, heading to the large esky that had been placed by the back glass sliding door, keeping all their drinks nice and cold. She took a can of cider before walking back to the bonfire, opening it on her way.

The blonde haired girl stopped in her tracks, noticing that Lyra had quickly taken her seat beside Dawn, and that the only seat left by the bonfire was beside Gary. Serena tilted her head back to scull the drink, before lowering her head again, "Scratch that, I'm gonna need two drinks." She decided, heading back towards the esky.

To Serena's delight as she was heading back to the bonfire, Hilda announced it was time for seven minutes in heaven which meant everyone had to relocate into her living room. Serena quickly wandered over to Dawn, whispering that she didn't want to sit with Gary by the fire and Hilda's announcement kinda saved her, which made her laugh.

Truthfully, Gary had kind of fit into the party, he managed to easily win over some of the bulldogs trust as he'd gotten talking with a few of them while at the bonfire.


Everyone that was interested in the game, sat in Hilda's lounge room, everyone sat in a circle as Iris placed a bottle in the middle of them.

"Alright we'll go around the circle and so everyone gets a turn, to pick the second person to go in the closet, we'll spin the bottle and whoever it lands on will go along." Hilda grinned. "Lillie, we'll start with you." She decided as Lillie anxiously bit her lip. Luna giggled at her best friends worried expression. The bottle was spun around and it slowed after passing everybody, landing on Hau.

The pair stood up, Lillie visibly blushing as they exited the room to Hilda's closet. Dawn set a timer on her phone and meanwhile, they all talked. Serena talked to Dawn, hoping to avoid talking to Gary.. but it seemed Gary was occupied talking to Shauna.

Once the timer rang out, Hilda got to her feet and quickly skipped off to her room to alert the pair. A couple minutes passed and the brunette skipped back out, with the pair behind her, Lillie visibly blushing again, this time heavier. Truthfully, Hau was a gentleman and nothing would have gone on the closet, but knowing Hilda, she would have teased them regardless.

Next to Lillie was Serena. The girl gulped, worried that the one particular person she didn't want to be stuck in a closet with, the bottle would point to. Iris spun the bottle as it went in circles before slowing down. The bottle passed a few people, getting closer to Gary, which made her anxious. When the bottle finally came to a stop, the girl wanted to groan as it indeed pointed to Gary.

A wolf whistle was heard from Drew, "Fate throws you two back together again!" He teased, earning a glare from May. Drew's comment caused more teasing and laughter which made Serena blush heavily, embarrassed. Once it quietened down, Dawn spoke up. "Let's skip her." She recommended. Serena certainly liked that idea, but the reactions that comment got weren't positive ones.

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