"Let me out!" He hissed, "I don't wanna be in here with him."

"Me neither!" T'Challa yelled, clenching his hand into a fist and whacking it loud and harsh against the hard material. "Come on, this isn't funny."

"It's for your own good." The girls called, smirking at the boys through the glass of the door. "You need to make amends with one another, we're fucking sick and tired of having to decide a side when we have no idea what the hell happened. So until we see you both talking calmly with one another, you aren't coming out."

Natasha turned on her heel and walked towards one of the many tables in the classroom, Wanda following soon behind.

"Far out." Bucky grumbled, moving away from the door and leaning up against the piano. "I actually have something to do right now."

"Like what? Out for a date with Steve?" T'Challa spat, crossing his arms over his chest.  He was beyond pissed, but had no idea why. He knew he was the one who started this fight and dragged it out this long for not apologising, but T'Challa was still mad.

Bucky had no idea why the other was pissed. He had created this mess, he should have to fix it. Bucky was always the one that apologised for things that he didn't start, or things he didn't say, and T'Challa just got to suck it all up and smirk. Unless T'Challa knew he fucked up. Asshole. "Oh fuck off, T'Challa. We're just friends, and if you haven't noticed, he's been there for me more then you ever have. So I'd chose your next words about Steve wisely."

"Only because you don't tell me anything!" The words echoed around the room, sliding under the door and out to Wanda and Natasha who looked at each other with worry. They knew how Bucky got when he was told he never talked to anyone. This wasn't going to be good.

"Excuse me?"

"You don't tell me anything, Bucky! The last time you told me anything was nearly a month ago when you fainted and scratched yourself."

"You never ask." Bucky mumbled, looking away. He knew what T'Challa was saying was the truth. He just couldn't help but feel defensive.

"I shouldn't have to ask! You should know that you can talk to me about anything, we're in a relations— we're friends and I really like you and I want to be able to help any way that I can.. I.. I'm sorry."

Bucky sighed, dropping his shoulders. He shouldn't be giving in so easily, but he couldn't help himself. T'Challa looked so.. sad, like a lost puppy and Bucky's walls of anger crumbled.

He walked over to his friend... and fell into his outstretched arms, breathing out a long breath. T'Challa held him close, kissing the crown of his head and smiling gently. "Does this mean.."

"Yeah." Bucky whispered, nuzzling his face into T'Challa's chest. "I- I'm sorry too.. for not talking to you.."

"It's okay.."

The room was silent. Curious, Natasha and Wanda rose from their seats at one of the tables and slowly made their way toward the piano room, gazing through the glass once more. Smiles broke out on their lips at the sight of their friends, hugging and whispering softly.

Natasha unlocked the door and tugged it open. "See, was it really that hard?" She teased, causing the two to break away.

Bucky rolled his eyes and T'Challa chuckled, linking their hands and walking out of the room. "Yes. We just needed some time."


Steve stared down at his shaking hands, tears dripping down his bruised and bloody cheeks and down to the floor, lip quivering. A sharp ringing sounded through his ears, then the screeching of tyres, screaming. Blood splattered his vision, images from the events prior flashing in front of his eyes like the click of a camera, breathing strained and chest tight as if a rubber band had tied itself around his lungs.

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