Midnight Discussions (I)

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"When did you become so ignorant?" I bit out, noting the small crack in her facade when she flinched at my words. But she was quick to rebuild it, although she was well aware that I already knew what was on the other side of that fake wall of emotion she always put up for others.

"We both know that whatever we had ended years ago. We both agreed to end it. So what the fuck are you doing, Victoria?" I questioned, taking in her tall form. She was nowhere near as tiny as my Alexandria, nowhere near as gentle.

Alexandria would always remain superior when it came to fighting skills, but no one could deny that she had a softer, more sensitive side of her. A Luna side of her.

I knew Victoria did too, but every morning she chose to wear a hard mask that she assumed would protect her from everything that the outside world was. I knew her well enough to see past it though.

"I was meant to be your chosen."

My anger spiked at her words. "Did you I ever tell you that? The pack wanting you as their Luna doesn't make you the Luna, you know that. I was never going to mark you, but everyone saw you as the first candidate, so they simply assumed you'd be the next queen."

She cocked her head. "But you think Alexandria is more befitting of the title? The same girl who couldn't keep her anger in check just a few days ago?"

"You were taunting her," I snapped, recalling the incident nearly a week ago. This entire situation was stretching for an unnecessarily long time, and I was getting sick of it. "I haven't spoken to my mate in almost two weeks, Victoria. Enough of this shit."

She frowned. "Livius, I don't understand what you see in her. She's a Fae. Her father killed your mother. She's-"

I cut her off, my voice filling the dimly lit area. "I don't need you to tell me of her father's sins. She had nothing to do with any of it, and you know it. Since when have you been so hateful?"

"Since you accepted a Faerie whore as your mate."

I growled at her words, not missing the way she flinched again, her own body betraying her. "The next time you speak of my mate in such a manner," I bit out, whilst taking a threatening step in her direction.

"You lose your tongue."

Her frown deepened. "I just don't get it! How could you forget, Livius? How could you look past it?"

"I didn't see her as her father. I spoke and listened to her. I understood her. And so did my advisors. But you never gave her a chance, Victoria, that's why you'd never know."

"How is she any different from any other she-wolf? You could've chosen someone more worthy of the title, so why? Why did you bother?" she questioned incredulously, those ocean eyes searching my own.

"The only way to get the answer to that is if you were to spend time with her," I shrugged. "But you've lost that chance, especially after what you've said."

Her gaze dropped to the ground, no longer able to hold my own. "She kicked me into a tree."

"You know it was well deserved."

"Luna's are usually weak."

"I told you, she's different."

She briefly met my gaze. "No one will ever accept her."

"I don't need their approval, just their respect," I answered.

"You know it's deeper than that, Livius. Her kind is our sworn enemy, no one's going to welcome her with open arms."

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